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zsis) - Center for Swiss and International Tax Law

Profile Author

Stefan Widmer

zsis) Specialist:
Stefan WidmerStefan Widmer
lic. oec. publ., certified tax expert
PrimeTax AG
Members of the zsis)-redaction
Publisher of the zsis)

Stefan Widmer graduated in 1992 (lic. oec. publ.) from the University of Zurich (UZH) and obtained the title of certified tax expert in 1996.

For many years he was a partner in a leading international auditing and consulting firm, where he was temporarily head of the corporate tax department. Before founding PrimeTax AG, he was head of the tax department of a large commercial law firm in Zurich for four years, where he built up a tax team of around 15 employees.

As responsible partner he advises various listed companies based in Germany and abroad. He specialises in tax advice for medium-sized and larger companies, particularly in the international environment. The main focus of his activities includes tax advice on cross-border activities and acquisitions, application of Swiss and international law or double taxation agreements, tax-optimised value-added structures, etc.

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