Amendment of the Ordinance on the Conscription Compensation Levy (WPEV)
Tabea Lorenz
At its meeting on 12 August 2020, the Federal Council decided that all civil defence days worked should be counted towards the reduction of the substitute levy. The amended ordinance on the military service exemption tax will come into force on 1 January 2021.
Days of protective service (recruitment and basic course days) performed before the start of the replacement duty are taken into account again in the reduction of the replacement duty. If a civilian protector performs more than 25 days of protective service in one year, these are carried over to the following year. In order to provide an incentive for a cadre career, senior non-commissioned officers and officers of the Civil Defence may now be granted a pro rata reimbursement of all substitute duties, provided they perform days of protective service after the eleven-year substitute duty period. This regulation also applies to persons whose period of service has been extended in accordance with Art. 99 Para. 3 of the totally revised Federal Law on Civil Defence and Civil Protection (BZG). According to this provision, the cantons may provide for an extension of the regular compulsory service for a maximum of 5 years after the entry into force of the BZG in the event of an impending shortage due to the reduction of the compulsory service period from 20 to 12 years.
In addition, the Federal Council is deleting implementing provisions on the passport and writing ban that contradict the UN Covenant II. In addition, the amendment to the ordinance repeals certain provisions whose content has been newly regulated at the legislative level since 1 January 2019.
The amendments will come into force on 1 January 2021, at the same time as the amended BZG. The amendments correspond to the demands of the transferred motion Müller Walter (14.3590) "Entitlement to reduction of the military service exemption tax for members of the civil defence for the entire service period".
The amended Ordinance on the Conscription Compulsory Substitute Levy (WPEV) and the explanations on the amendment of the Ordinance on the Conscription Compulsory Substitute Levy (WPEV) can be found in the following list:
- Ordinance on the Compulsory Military Service Compensation Levy (WPEV)
- Explanatory notes on the amendment to the Ordinance on the Conscription Compensation Levy (WPEV)
The Federal Council's media release and all documents are available here.