Federal Council enacts new legal basis for the implementation of international agreements in the tax area
Natalya Ezzaini
In the StADG, the provisions of the existing national federal law of 22 June 1951 on the implementation of federal intergovernmental agreements for the avoidance of double taxation and the ordinances based on it are taken over as far as necessary and supplemented with new provisions. It now regulates the essential points for the relief of withholding tax as well as penalty provisions in connection with the relief of withholding taxes on investment income. It also regulates how mutual agreement procedures are to be carried out domestically if the applicable agreement does not contain any provisions to the contrary.
The law is available here and the media release here.
First publication:
Federal Council enacts new legal basis for the implementation of international agreements in the tax area
Footnotes / further notes
Footnotes / further notes: