FTA again sends out invoices for the corporate tax on radio and television
Peter von Burg
On 18 May 2020, the Federal Tax Administration (FTA) announced that the dispatch of invoices for corporate tax on radio and television would be resumed.
Since the beginning of March, the monthly dispatch of company tax bills for radio and television has been suspended in order to take account of the Corona crisis. With the relaxation of the measures, invoices are now also being sent again.
As a result of the massive decline in advertising orders in the wake of the crisis, the SRG and private radio and television stations suffered major losses that cannot be compensated for by other means. This makes the contribution from the radio and television levy all the more important for them. They have 60 days in which to settle the bill. If this period is too short or the amount cannot be paid in one go, contact the Debt Collection Division of the Federal Tax Administration.
The information on invoicing can be viewed here.