ISIS) seminar folder "Current problems in the taxation of private investments" (2024)
All documents from the ISIS) seminar "Current problems in the taxation of private investments" from September 23 - 24, 2024 under the direction of Andrea Opel in one PDF document. Case studies, detailed solution notes and slides: Here you will find all documents of the individual workshops according to the following content description.
The seminar sheds light on current issues relating to the taxation of private investments, namely investments in crypto assets, real estate, securities, structured products and collective investment schemes. The focus remains on the difficult distinction between private asset management and commercial trading. Tax aspects of asset structuring by means of trusts and foundations are also discussed. Last but not least, a look is taken at selected special topics in the area of wealth tax.
The program comprises a total of six workshops, each of which is run by a team of two people from practice and administration.
Topics and speakers
Investments in crypto assets (learn more)
Silvan Guler, LL.M., Certified Tax Expert, INSEAD Sustainable Finance, Partner, Tax Partner AG
Daniel Bürki, certified fiduciary expert, SSK tax expert, team leader of the Cantonal Supervision Division, Federal Tax Administration (FTA)
Private asset management versus commercial trading (learn more)
Dr. iur. HSG Patrick Waldburger, LL.M., Attorney at Law, Waldburger Advokatur | Steuern | Notariat, St. Gallen
Dr. iur. Toni Hess, Head of Legal Services and Deputy Head, Cantonal Tax Administration of the Grisons
Investments in real estate (national/international) (learn more)
Laetitia Fracheboud, MLaw, certified tax expert, Associate, Homburger AG
Dr. iur. Olivier Margraf, Head of Legal Department, Cantonal Tax Administration Thurgau
Asset structuring using trusts and foundations (learn more)
Prof. Dr. iur. Andrea Opel, Professor of Tax Law, University of Lucerne
Andrea Hildebrand, M.A. HSG, attorney-at-law, certified tax expert, Head of Legal Services, Zurich Cantonal Tax Office
Specialties in wealth tax (valuation, Bouclier fiscal etc.) (learn more)
Dr. iur. Marco Greter, certified tax expert, Counsel, ADB Altorfer, Duss & Beilstein AG, substitute member of the Administrative Court of the Canton of Zurich
Nina Blanz, attorney-at-law, certified tax expert, Head of the Natural Persons Department, Cantonal Tax Administration Schaffhausen
Investments in securities, structured products, collective investment schemes, etc. (learn more)
Stefan Oesterhelt, Attorney-at-Law, Certified Tax Expert, Partner, Homburger AG
Daniel Bieri, Team Leader Team Ruling, DVS Division Federal Tax Administration FTA