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Seminar folder ISIS)-Seminar "Startups - Tax and Duty Law Challenges (1/2)" (2023)

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Case studies, detailed solution notes and slides: Here you will receive all documents of the individual workshops according to the following content description from the ISIS) seminar "Startups - Tax and Tax Law Challenges (1/2)" from 07 June 2023 under the direction of Ruth Bloch-Riemer.

The complete PDF of the seminar folder can be downloaded for CHF
The corresponding case solutions can be purchased for CHF
(introductory price)
can be purchased in the shop.
The workshops are also available individually in the "Documents" section.
The case solutions and other documents can be obtained free of charge in the shop.


The step from the business idea to its implementation needs to be well planned. A large number of different elements can be found under the collective term "start-up". Whether a start-up is financially successful depends not only on the business idea and its implementation, but also on the structure from the perspective of the owners. Over the life cycle of a start-up, various tax and legal issues need to be considered and stumbling blocks overcome. These, as well as the opportunities and planning possibilities, will be addressed in depth from a practical perspective in this two-part seminar. Part 1 is dedicated to the start-up and development phase.

Topics and speakers

Tax aspects of the establishment and development of the start-up (learn more)

Rebecca Schwarzenbach, BSc in Economics, MA in Business and Law, Certified Tax Expert

Dr. iur. Patrick Scherrer, M.A. HSG, certified tax expert, Partner, Prime Tax AG

Successful engagement of founders and employees (learn more)

Stefan Oesterhelt, Certified Tax Expert, Partner, Homburger AG

Susanne Schreiber, Attorney at Law, Tax Advisor, Certified Tax Expert, Partner and Co-Head of the Tax Department, Bär & Karrer AG

Occupational pension plans: possibilities and limits (learn more)

Dr. iur., lic. oec. HSG Peter Lang, certified tax expert, Group Head of Taxation, Swiss Life AG

Lic. iur. Simon Heim, Head of Legal Services Occupational Benefits and Social Security, Swiss Life AG

Legal aspects of structuring a start-up (learn more)

Raphael Annasohn, Attorney at Law, LL.M., Partner and Co-Head Start-up Desk, Bär & Karrer AG

Luana Stämpfli, Associate, Bär & Karrer AG


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