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Seminar folder ISIS)-Seminar "Corporate Tax Law 2023

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Case studies, detailed solution notes and slides: Here you will find all documents of the individual workshops from the ISIS)-Seminar "Corporate Tax Law 2023" on June 19/20, 2023, led by Peter Mäusli-Allenspach.

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can be purchased in the shop.
All workshops of the ISIS seminars are available individually in the "Documents" section.
The case solutions and other documents can be obtained free of charge in the shop.


In this seminar, tax law problems for companies and their stakeholders were discussed. Both the special tax challenges of partnerships and the tax stumbling blocks for personal corporations were dealt with in depth by the speakers in the workshops. Not to be missed, of course, is the topic of corporate restructuring, to which a separate workshop is dedicated. And as always, in addition to updates on withholding tax and stamp duties, as well as in-depth discussions on specific tax issues of SMEs, topicalities in the area of intercantonal and international corporate tax law will also be discussed.

Topics and speakers

Challenges of personal companies under tax law (learn more)

Susanne Schreiber, Attorney at Law, Tax Advisor, Certified Tax Expert, Partner and Co-Head of the Tax Department, Bär & Karrer AG

Dr. iur. Toni Hess, Head of Legal Services and Deputy Head of the Cantonal Tax Administration Graubünden, Chur

Current problems of taxation of public limited companies and shareholders (learn more)

Lic. iur. Oliver Jäggi, attorney-at-law, certified tax expert, Senior Advisor at Tax Partner AG, Zurich

Lic. oec. HSG Benno Eberhard, certified tax expert, Deputy Head of the Legal Entities Department, Cantonal Tax Office St. Gallen, member of the AGUN (Taxation of Companies) specialist group of the Swiss Tax Conference

Update on withholding tax and stamp duties (learn more)

Lic. iur. Markus Küpfer, Advocate, Tax Expert SSK, Head of Legal Division, DVS Department, Federal Tax Administration, Bern

Lic. iur. Thomas Jaussi, certified tax expert, business engineer HTL/NDS, partner JP Steuer AG, Basel

News on the taxation of corporate restructuring (learn more)

Lic. iur. Stefan Oesterhelt, Attorney at Law, Certified Tax Expert, Partner, Homburger AG

Daniel Strahm, certified tax expert, Coordinator Corporate Taxation, Tax Administration of the Canton of Bern

Current cases on intercantonal and international corporate tax law (learn more)

Prof. Dr. iur. René Matteotti, LL.M. (Tax), Attorney at Law, Full Professor of Swiss, European and International Tax Law at the University of Zurich, Of Counsel at Taxpartner AG, Zurich, Member of the Institute Management of ISIS

Lic. iur. Philipp Betschart, attorney-at-law, certified tax expert, member of the Executive Board and Head of the Legal and Legislation Division of the Zurich Cantonal Tax Office, President of the Bilateral Working Group of the Swiss Tax Conference

Practical cases on value added tax (learn more)

Dr. iur. Roger Rohner, certified tax expert, MAS FH in MWST, Partner RETAX Rohner & Erni Tax AG, Zurich

Prof. Dr. iur. Ralf Imstepf, attorney-at-law, certified tax expert, EMBA HSG, assistant professor at the University of St. Gallen and co-head of the Legal Department, VAT Division, Federal Tax Administration, Bern

Pensions and insurance - from the employer's and employee's perspective

Pension provision and insurance - from the employer's and employee's point of view (learn more)

Prof. Dr. iur. Andrea Opel, Full Professor of Tax Law, University of Lucerne, Consultant at JP Steuer AG, Zurich

Andrea Hildebrand, M.A. HSG. Attorney at law, certified tax expert, team leader in the Legal Department, Zurich Cantonal Tax Office.

Do mailbox domiciles still have a future? - An assessment from the perspective of Switzerland and Liechtenstein

Lic. oec. HSG Martin A. Meyer, Certified Tax Expert, Licensed Liechtenstein Fiduciary, Managing Partner at WeTrust Group, WeTrust Group, Member of the Tax Working Group of the Liechtenstein Government


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