Numérisation de la procédure de perception de la TVA par devant l'Administration fédérale des contributions
The TVA is an original description of the strategy of the Federal Council's concern for cyberadministration with regard to the TVA Compass and the company identification number. The use of the electronic décompte a récemment franchise a cap important a dépassant la barre des 50% en janvier 2020. the offre de l'Administration fédérale des contributions (AFC) in the domain is a constant evolution. The non-respect of the form of the décompte prescrites of the AFC has led to a taxation by estimation. The remise de décompte sous forme électronique soulève chez les mandataires des questions lies à la procédure pénale fiscale. L'AFC publishes information on the subject. The assujettis will now return to the formal electronic system for the field of electrical engineering for the field of the écrits that the procédure fiscale and the procédure pénale fiscale of the AFC. Cette voie n'est que très marginalement utilisée en pratique. The transition provides a perception of the TVA's development in the nécessite of the legislative adaptations. Celles-ci sont prévues dans le cadre de la future loi sur les procédures électroniques en matière d'impôts et dans celle sur les forms de collaboration dans le domaine des prestations numériques des autorités.
Direct representation under Art. 20(2) MWSTG - An analysis of recent case law
The article examines the question of what the decisive criteria for the allocation of services are. To this end, the two Federal Supreme Court rulings issued since 1 January 2010 are analysed.
Subsequent amendment of VAT liability and deduction - A critical assessment of administrative practice
If there is a risk of bad debts, the service provider must already book a value adjustment based on the principle of prudence under commercial law. Accordingly, the service provider expects to receive a lower fee than that invoiced.
On the conditions for tax remission under Art. 92(1)(a) MWSTG
The question of whether or under what conditions taxpayers can be granted a tax remission for domestic and purchase tax has been discussed since the introduction of VAT in 1995. Under the aMWSTG, which was in force until 31 December 1999, the possibility of tax remission was created for the first time, but only to a very limited extent in the context of judicial probate proceedings (Art. 51 aMWSTG). Since the entry into force of the totally revised VAT Act on 1 January 2010 (MWSTG), Art. 92 MWSTG provides new, extended possibilities for the remission of VAT, which are, however, still subject to certain conditions. The last instance ruling of the Federal Administrative Court (BVGer) A-361/2017 of 30 October 2018 grants tax relief to the taxpayer for the periods from 1 January 2010 and contains noteworthy comments on the excusability of an error within the meaning of Art. 92(1)(a) VAT Act.
Parliament puts pressure on Billag VAT refunds
The Federal Council must create a legal basis so that the unlawfully levied VAT on radio and television reception fees can one day be repaid. Following the National Council, the Council of States has also approved a motion.
New VAT regulation Online shopping abroad could become more expensive from 2019
The Federal Council has decided that mail order companies with a turnover of at least CHF 100,000 in Switzerland must pay VAT. Foreign online merchants today do not have to pay VAT on small consignments with a tax amount of less than five francs. For Swiss mail order companies, however, different rules apply: The consignments are subject to VAT if the company is entered in the VAT register. From 1 January 2019, this unequal treatment will cease.
MWST: Publications on the Value Added Tax Act MWSTG
On 12 and 24 July 2018, substantive amendments concerning the publications on the partial revision of the VAT Act were published on the website of the FTA.
Applications for reduced rates
The Council of States wants to introduce a new VAT privilege for the hotel industry. It has accepted a motion by Stefan Engler, member of the Bündner CVP Council of States, calling for a "simplification" of packages. These are combinations of services or products that are taxed at different VAT rates. Today, the entire package is taxed at a reduced rate if at least 70 percent is subject to a reduced rate. Such combinations of services occur mainly in the hotel industry: The overnight stay taxed at a rate of 3.7 percent is combined with ski passes, wellness treatments or guided tours to form a package. This means that these services are also subject to the reduced hotel rate.
Institutions d'utilité publique et TVA
Workshop on the occasion of the ISIS seminar of 20 November 2019 entitled "La fiscalité de la philanthropie".
Effects from current case law and administrative practice
Workshop on the occasion of the ISIS seminar of 26 September 2019 entitled "Value Added Tax. Current. Compact. Interdisciplinary.".