Tax evasion and withholding tax
Whether a tax evasion has been committed negligently or intentionally has a decisive influence on the possibilities of refunding withholding taxes. With a view to a case study, this article discusses the points of contact between tax evasion in the case of direct taxes and the questions concerning the refund of withholding taxes under Art. 23 ITA.
Accounting in criminal tax law
While the annual financial statement that complies with commercial law is decisive for taxation in accordance with the law, criminal tax law is linked to the annual financial statement that does not comply with commercial law. Since Swiss criminal tax law lacks an overall concept and the criminal tax provisions are contained in the individual tax laws, the prosecution of which is incumbent on different authorities, the use of accounting that contains irregularities can lead to a multitude of non-coordinated criminal tax proceedings and tax penalties.
Tax offences as predicate offences to money laundering - Key takeaways for practitioners
Art. 305bis(1bis) of the Swiss Criminal Code entered into force on 1 January 2016, introducing aggravated tax misdemeanours as predicate offences to money laundering. Though highly debated at the time of its introduction, courts have been noticeably quiet on this provision in the years that followed. This article will analyse the developments since its adoption, outline the legal questions remaining open and forecast what the future may hold for this provision.
Reform of the withholding tax - can the Gordian knot be untangled?
With its dispatch of April 2021 on the reform of the withholding tax, the Federal Council is making a new attempt to strengthen the domestic debt capital market. The bill is economically necessary and suitable for finding a pragmatic solution that is acceptable to the majority. Parliamentary consultations have already begun.
Martin Huber about the new zsis)
The journal zsis) was renamed the "Center for Swiss and International Tax Law" in spring 2018. On the zsis)-platform, contents around the topic tax law are published. The publication takes place in 10 issues per year, which are sent directly and conveniently to your mailbox via a newsletter. All content distributed via the newsletter can also be found directly on the zsis)-platform.
Increase in tobacco tax as of January 1, 2025
The Federal Office for Customs and Border Security has amended Directive R-120-3 "Cross-border traffic in tobacco, manufactured tobacco products and substitute products" as of January 1, 2025.
FTA publishes tax statistics for natural persons and legal entities 2021
On October 11, 2021, the FTA published the 2021 tax statistics.
Fiscal revenues of the federal government 2023
On April 29, 2024, the FTA published the federal government's fiscal revenue and the chronological development of legislation in 2023.
Federal Council brings amendments to the Heavy Vehicle Fees Act into force on May 1, 2024
At its meeting on March 27, 2024, the Federal Council adopted the total revision of the Heavy Vehicle Fees Ordinance (SVAV). It also decided to bring the revised Heavy Vehicle Fees Act (SVAG) and the SVAV into force on May 1, 2024.
New online services for withholding tax and stamp duty
The FTA is expanding its online services for withholding tax and stamp duties.
OECD publishes report on Amount B of Pillar I
On February 19, 2024, the OECD/G20 Inclusive Framework on BEPS published the report on Amount B of Pillar I.
Investments in crypto assets
Workshop by Silvan Guler and Daniel Bürki on the occasion of the ISIS) seminar on September 23-24, 2024 entitled "Investments in crypto assets"
Charitable foundations and corporate foundations
Workshop on "Charitable Foundations and Corporate Foundations" by Julia von Ah and Oliver Appenzeller on the occasion of the ISIS seminar "Structuring Private Assets by Means of Trusts or Foundations" on October 31, 2023.