Taxation of spouses in international relationships - Federal Supreme Court ruling of September 23, 2024 Prejudice on tax separation issues
In its ruling of September 23, 2024, the Federal Supreme Court issued a long-awaited precedent on the issue of international tax differentiation of debts and debt interest in the case of international spouses and revised its ruling of March 2023 on the international transfer of maintenance payments to the divorced spouse. What does this precedent mean for practice and how should other exciting practical cases be handled?
When does the tax authority treat easements as transactions that are equivalent to a sale of real estate?
The article analyzes the tax treatment of compensation paid in connection with the encumbrance by easements or their deletion. The focus is on the question of whether such transactions are equivalent to a sale and are subject to property gains tax. Legal criteria and practical examples are used to show how these cases are assessed under tax law.
Invalidity of discretionary assessments
With its latest decision of August 19, 2024 (9C_673/2023), published on September 25, 2024, the Federal Supreme Court confirms and clarifies its practice on the nullity of discretionary assessments.
Inheritance and gift tax at federal level - the so-called "Future Initiative" of the JUSO
The "Future Initiative" aims to tax the assets of natural persons through an additional inheritance and gift tax at federal level. With an exemption amount of CHF 50 million, the tax affects wealthy individuals. The proposed tax rate was set at 50%, without providing for exceptions to taxation. Due to the existing inheritance and gift taxes, this could lead to a much higher effective tax burden. Numerous unresolved questions and a planned retroactive effect are already causing great uncertainty well before a referendum at the beginning of 2026. This article uses examples to illustrate possible consequences and measures for action.
FTA publishes circular no. 50a: Inadmissibility of the tax deduction of bribes
The Federal Tax Administration published the circular "Inadmissibility of the tax deduction of bribes" on December 5, 2023.
Report on Capital and Wealth Tax Reform Options
On 22 November 2023, the Federal Council adopted a report concluding that a shift in tax revenue from wealth and capital tax to income-based taxes could mitigate the disadvantages of a capital and wealth tax.
FTA publishes tax statistics of natural and legal persons 2020
On 16 November 2023, the FTA published the 2020 tax statistics.
Switzerland and Italy agree on permanent tax rules for working from home
On 10 November 2023, Federal Councillor Karin Keller-Sutter and the Italian Minister of Finance and Economy signed a declaration that permanently regulates the issue of taxation of home office for cross-border commuters.
Federal Council in favour of including taxes in the subsistence minimum
In a report dated 1 November 2023, the Federal Council is in principle in favour of taking taxes into account when calculating the minimum subsistence level under debt enforcement law. However, the new rules on calculation are intended to ensure the payment of tax claims and to protect the claims of dependants under family law.
Maximum deductions for pillar 3a in the 2024 tax year
The tax deduction for tied self-provision (pillar 3a) remains unchanged for the 2024 tax year.
FTA - Circular on professional expense allowances and remuneration in kind 2024 / Compensation for the consequences of the cold progression in direct federal tax for the tax year 2024
On September 5, 2023, the FTA published the circular "Professional expenses lump sums and remuneration in kind 2024 / Compensation of the consequences of the cold progression in the direct federal tax for the tax year 2024".
Federal Council sets benchmarks for individual taxation
At its meeting on August 30, 2023, the Federal Council defined the key parameters for the dispatch on the introduction of individual taxation. This bill will also serve as an indirect counter-proposal to the popular initiative "For individual taxation independent of civil status (tax fairness initiative)".
Fringe benefits / private shares / expenses / hidden profit distributions
Workshop by Franziska Spreiter and Christian Vassalli at the ISIS) seminar on 13/14 September 2021 entitled "Employee compensation in tax and social security law".
Differentiation between salary and dividend for employee shareholders
Workshop by Natalie Dini and Barbara Stötzer at the ISIS) seminar on 13/14 September 2021 entitled "Employee compensation in tax and social security law".