Intercantonal change of residence of persons subject to withholding tax, which are subsequently assessed in an orderly manner
In the case of an intercantonal change of residence of persons subject to withholding tax who are subsequently assessed in an orderly manner, the question arises as to which canton or cantons have the right to tax the earned income and other income and taxable assets. In BGE 140 II 167, the Federal Supreme Court answered this question with regard to persons subject to the FMPA who transfer their residence to a canton with lower taxation. After outlining the legal basis and discussing the above-mentioned Federal Supreme Court ruling, the author examines the question of how persons not subject to the FMPA are treated and what the (tax) consequences are if - in the opposite case - a natural person moves to a canton with a higher tax rate and is resident there at the end of the tax year.
FTA publishes maximum pillar 3a deductions
In 2022, the tax deduction within the scope of tied personal pension provision (pillar 3a) is CHF 6,883 for taxpayers with a 2nd pillar and CHF 34,416 for taxpayers without a 2nd pillar. The maximum deductions are also the relevant payment limits.
FTA publishes tax statistics for individuals and legal entities 2018
On 8 November, the FTA published the 2018 tax statistics.
The FTA has updated the statistics on the capital contribution principle (November 2021)
The Federal Tax Administration (FTA) has updated the statistics on the capital contribution principle (capital contributions, repayments and other changes) as of 30 September 2021.
Council of States agrees on bill to abolish imputed rental value
On 21 September 2021, the Council of States, as the first Council, approved the bill.
Federal Council presents a study on individual taxation
At its meeting on 24 September 2021, the Federal Council approved the outline of individual taxation.
Memorandum of Understanding between Switzerland and France
SIF announced on 23 September 2021 that the provisional mutual agreement of 13 May 2020 between Switzerland and France on the taxation of cross-border workers who work in the home office as a result of measures taken to combat COVID-19 will remain in force until 31 December 2021.
Councils decide on higher tax deduction for children in external care
On 16 September 2021, the Council of States approved the bill. In future, parents will be able to deduct up to CHF 25,000 from direct federal tax for childcare costs.
Consultation agreement between Switzerland and Germany
SIF announced on 07 September 2021 that the consultation agreement of 11 June 2020 between Switzerland and Germany concerning the taxation of cross-border workers during the COVID-19 pandemic will not be terminated until at least 31 December 2021.
ISIS)-Seminar folder "Taxation of shareholder and company in personal companies" (2023)
Case studies, detailed solution notes and slides: Here you will receive all documents of the individual workshops according to the following content description from the ISIS)-Seminar "Taxation of Shareholder and Company at Personally Owned Businesses" from September 18 - 19, 2023 under the direction of Andrea Opel.
Reclassification of capital gain as taxable capital income
Workshop on "Reclassification of capital gain from sale into taxable capital gain" by Thomas Wolfensberger and Marco Buchmann on the occasion of the ISIS seminar "Taxation of Shareholder and Company in Personally Owned Businesses" on September 18 - 19, 2023.