The unsuccessful move from Binningen to Wollerau - The location of the parking spaces for a Maserati and a Ferrari must be taken into account when determining tax residence
In its ruling of 19 September 2019 (2C_170/2019), the Federal Supreme Court had to judge an unsuccessful move from Binningen to Wollerau. It confirmed the ruling of 14 November 2018 of the Basel-Landschaft Cantonal Court (810 18 59).
Good news: Art. 23 VStG in conjunction Art. 70d VStG also applies to requests for reverse power under Art. 58 VStG
Since 1 January 2019, Art. 23 VStG in conjunction Art. 70d VStG concerning the non-forfeiture of the refund of withholding tax in force. The new regulation applies to claims that have not yet been legally decided since 1 January 2014 and, according to a new Federal Supreme Court decision, also applies to cases in which a tax office offset income and refunded the withholding tax, but reclaimed it after a reduction order by the EStV and the taxpayer appealed against it.
Refund of withholding tax under the new Art. 23(2) VStG - an interpretative regulation
The reimbursement of withholding tax to domestic recipients of services requires, among other things, that the income subject to withholding tax and the assets on which it is based are declared "in an orderly manner".
Consultation agreement with Germany on the taxation of cross-border workers and state support services
On 11 June 2020, the State Secretariat for International Financial Matters SIF concluded a new consultation agreement between Switzerland and Germany on the taxation of cross-border commuters and the treatment of state support services.
National Council adopts motion "Enabling purchases under Pillar 3a
In its session of 2 June 2020, the National Council adopted the motion "Enabling Pillar 3a purchases".
FDK rejects popular initiative "Relieve wages, tax capital fairly
On 2 June 2020, the Conference of Cantonal Finance Directors (FDK) published a press release on the popular initiative "Relieve the burden on wages, tax capital fairly".
Consultation agreement with Germany on the taxation of railway staff
On 13 May 2020, the State Secretariat for International Financial Matters SIF concluded a new consultation agreement between Switzerland and Germany on the taxation of railway personnel.
ESTV - Taxation of compensation for loss of earnings due to corona
On 6 April 2020, the Swiss Federal Tax Administration published the Circular on the tax treatment of benefits under the Ordinance on Measures for Loss of Earnings in Connection with the Coronavirus.
Federal Council wants to align taxation of life annuities with interest rates
On 4 April 2020, the Federal Council adopted a consultation draft that aims to adjust the taxation of life annuities.
Selected parliamentary business in the tax area at federal level (March 2020)
The Federal Tax Administration (FTA) has published a revised version of the overview of selected parliamentary business in the tax field at federal level.
Federal Council has adopted a dispatch on the popular initiative "Relieve the burden on wages, tax capital fairly
At its meeting on 6 March 2020, the Federal Council adopted the dispatch on the popular initiative "Relieve the burden on wages, tax capital fairly" (unofficially "99% initiative"). The Federal Council recommends that the initiative be rejected without a counterproposal.
Droit de timbre de négociation/Impôt anticipé: Questions théoriques et pratiques actuelles
Atelier de Lucien Jean on the occasion of the séminaire ISIS) du 7 novembre 2023 intitulé "Actualités en matière d'impôt anticipé / Droits de timbre"
Remboursement de l'impôt anticipé / Personne physique
Atelier de Didier Nsanzineza et Tanguy Peter à l'occasion du séminaire ISIS) du 7 novembre 2023 intitulé "Actualités en matière d'impôt anticipé / Droits de timbre"