Overview of STAF implementation at federal and cantonal level
Following an unprecedented legislative process, the Swiss people adopted the Federal Law on Tax Reform and OASI Financing (STAF) on 19 May 2019, thus restoring international acceptance of our tax system. In addition to the abolition of the special regulations for status companies, the introduction of the patent box, the regulation for hidden reserves at the start of tax liability and the approval of special deductions for research and development have helped to strike the right balance between international acceptance and maintaining the attractiveness of the tax location.
The implementation of the STAF in the cantons of Eastern Switzerland - selected topics of profit and capital taxation
The eastern Swiss cantons of St. Gallen (SG), Thurgau (TG), Appenzell Ausserrhoden (AR) and Appenzell Innerrhoden (AI) have implemented a number of changes in the taxation of profits and capital as part of the STAF as of 1 January 2020. The present article examines individual voluntary measures and measures not harmonized in the STAF. The analysis focuses on the adjustments in profit tax rates and capital tax, past and future tax relief, the additional deduction for research and development expenses, and a selection of special practical features.
Implementation of the STAF in the Canton of Zurich
Although the Canton of Zurich dealt with the implementation of the Federal Law on Tax Reform and OASI Financing ("STAF") at an early stage and issued various practice notes, various implementation issues still arose in the months following its entry into force. This article deals with the current implementation practice of STAF in the Canton of Zurich, with a focus on the change of status and deductions for self-financing. The practical application of the patent box and the research and development deduction is still subject to announcements by the Zurich tax office.
Implementation of the STAF in the Canton of Ticino
On 1 January 2020, the Federal Act on Tax Reform and Financing of the OASI (STAF) (Riforma fiscale e finanziamento dell'AVS, RFFA) entered into force. Among other things, the federal law modified certain provisions of the Federal Direct Tax Act (DBG) and the Direct Tax Harmonisation Act (StHG). In doing so, the Confederation leaves the cantons some leeway in implementing the STAF in their own tax legislation. This article analyses the implementation of the STAF by the Canton of Ticino.
Future-oriented strengthening of Zurich as a foundation location
The canton of Zurich is strengthening Zurich as a foundation location: the tax office is adapting its practice on tax exemption for charitable foundations. In doing so, the canton is implementing a key measure of the initiative to strengthen Zurich as a foundation location and is improving the framework conditions for a modern and effective foundation system.
Opening of the consultation procedure on the total revision of the Administrative Criminal Law Act (VStrR)
Administrative criminal law is to be modernized, made more efficient and aligned with the Criminal Procedure Code. At its meeting on January 31, 2024, the Federal Council opened the consultation on the total revision of the Administrative Criminal Law Act (VStrR).
Report on Capital and Wealth Tax Reform Options
On 22 November 2023, the Federal Council adopted a report concluding that a shift in tax revenue from wealth and capital tax to income-based taxes could mitigate the disadvantages of a capital and wealth tax.
Consultation on the partial revision of the VAT Ordinance opened
At its meeting on 25 October 2023, the Federal Council opened the consultation on the partial revision of the Value Added Tax Ordinance (MWSTV).
Federal Council sets benchmarks for individual taxation
At its meeting on August 30, 2023, the Federal Council defined the key parameters for the dispatch on the introduction of individual taxation. This bill will also serve as an indirect counter-proposal to the popular initiative "For individual taxation independent of civil status (tax fairness initiative)".
Federal Council opens consultation on expanded loss offsetting
According to parliament, the loss offset period for companies is to be extended from seven to ten years. This is intended to enable companies affected by the Corona pandemic in particular to recover better. The Federal Council has drawn up the legal amendments for this and opened the consultation process at its meeting on June 28, 2023.
Seminar folder ISIS)-Seminar "Change of Status, Patent Box and R&D Effort in Practice" (2021)
Case studies, detailed solutions and slides: Here you will find all documents (workshops and presentations) according to the following description from the ISIS seminar "Status change, patent box and R&D expenditure in practice" on 21 September 2021 under the direction of René Matteotti and Jürg B. Altorfer.
Withholding taxes - What to focus on in the new law?
Workshop by Birgitte Zulauf and Abramo Lo Parco on the occasion of the ISIS) seminar on 13/14 September 2021 entitled "Employee compensation in tax and social security law".