Restructuring merger between sister companies
This article first explains the different concepts of the need for reorganization under commercial law and tax law as well as the requirements for the tax recognition of the assumption of loss carryforwards in the context of a reorganization merger between sister companies. The tax consequences for the merged companies and for the joint shareholders are then also examined using examples.
Tax treatment of refurbishment grants in private assets
In the area of capital contributions, two landmark Federal Supreme Court rulings were issued last year. In a first ruling, the Federal Supreme Court also applied an income tax-free repayment within the meaning of Art. 20 para. 3 DBG with regard to hidden capital contributions. In a second ruling last year, the Federal Supreme Court protected the practice of the FTA, according to which the accounting offsetting of a contribution against the loss carryforwards is mandatory in order to claim the restructuring allowance pursuant to Art. 6 para. 1 lit. k StG.
Editorial on the focus "Refurbishments"
In difficult economic times, many companies are faced with considerable financial challenges. The Covid-19 pandemic in particular has led to a number of companies needing to be restructured despite the aid granted, such as loans or hardship compensation. Restructuring a company is a complex process that requires not only strategic and operational measures, but also careful consideration of legal and tax aspects. After all, restructuring a company can lead to significant tax consequences.
The valuation of participation rights in start-up companies and the principle of equal treatment
The tax valuation of start-ups has been the subject of debate in Switzerland. While a viable solution has been found for the shareholders of start-ups with the current solution, the question of an even wealth tax burden for shareholders in a comparable situation arises. Find out what challenges arise in the valuation of participation rights and what solutions are being discussed to ensure a balanced tax policy.
Cross-border commuter agreement with Italy has entered into force
On July 19, 2023, SIF announced that the new cross-border commuter agreement with Italy and an amending protocol to the DTA entered into force on July 17, 2023. The provisions are applicable as of January 1, 2024.
Consultation agreement between Switzerland and Germany
The State Secretariat for International Financial Matters SIF announced on 13 April 2023 that the competent authorities of Switzerland and Germany have concluded a consultation agreement on the application of Article 15(4) of the double taxation agreement between Switzerland and Germany.
FTA - Life annuities will be taxed flexibly as of 2025
The taxation of life annuities in pillar 3b will be flexibly adjusted to the investment conditions when it comes into force on January 1, 2025.
Consultation agreement between Switzerland and Germany concerning withholding taxes
The State Secretariat for International Financial Matters SIF announces that the competent authorities of Switzerland and Germany have concluded a consultation agreement on the procedure for relief from German withholding taxes on dividends, interest and royalties under the double taxation agreement between Switzerland and Germany.
Federal Council opens consultation for new regulation of professional costs
At its meeting on December 21, 2022, the Federal Council opened the consultation process for a new regulation of professional costs.
Maximum Pillar 3a deductions in tax year 2023
The tax deduction under the tied pension plan (pillar 3a) was adjusted for the tax year 2023 and amounts to:
Seminar folder ISIS)-Seminar "Withholding Tax: Selected Case Constellations" (2021)
Case studies, detailed solution notes and slides: Here you will find all documents (workshops and presentations) according to the following description from the ISIS) seminar "Withholding tax: Selected case constellations" of 31 August 2021 under the direction of Martin Huber, which took place in Zurich.
Quasi-residency and comparable circumstances
Workshop by Jennifer Herren, Dirk Hangarter and Patrick Meier on the occasion of the ISIS) seminar on 31 August 2021 entitled "Withholding Tax Reform: Implications for Practice".