Tax aspects of family business succession
In the coming years, many small and medium-sized companies will face the challenge of arranging their succession. A transfer against payment or free of charge may be considered in order to remain in family ownership. The planning and implementation of succession is an important topic for entrepreneurs with links to numerous areas of law. This article is dedicated to the tax challenges and solution strategies in family business succession in order to support companies in strategically well thought-out and tax-optimized planning.
Taxation of spouses in international relations - tax segregation issues
In the zsis) issue of November 2019, the authors dealt with tax law stumbling blocks in the taxation of spouses in international relationships. In this article, they have focused on the tax segregation of international spouses. On the basis of a test scheme with three questions, they show that a systematic procedure is essential for correct tax segregation and that there is still a need for action here on the part of the assessment authority and the courts.
Far more than cryptocurrencies ...
The editorial for the focus issue "Blockchain, Crypto and NFTs". In recent years, blockchain technology has caused a stir around the world. In this context, tax law has dealt with blockchain technology primarily in connection with cryptocurrencies. However, the scope of blockchain technology goes far beyond cryptocurrencies.
Taxation of NFTs in the luxury industry - a case study
Non-fungible tokens ("NFTs" for short), i.e. unique cryptographic tokens representing physical or digital value, are currently on everyone's lips - at least since the NFT "Everydays: the First 5000 Days" was auctioned by Christie's in 2021 for USD 69.3 million. Using the NFTs of the watch brand DuBois et fils, which were issued for the first time in 2021, it will be shown how companies in the luxury sector can use NFTs both to market products and to build a close customer relationship, and which tax issues have to be taken into account.
FTA publishes circular no. 50a: Inadmissibility of the tax deduction of bribes
The Federal Tax Administration published the circular "Inadmissibility of the tax deduction of bribes" on December 5, 2023.
Report on Capital and Wealth Tax Reform Options
On 22 November 2023, the Federal Council adopted a report concluding that a shift in tax revenue from wealth and capital tax to income-based taxes could mitigate the disadvantages of a capital and wealth tax.
FTA publishes tax statistics of natural and legal persons 2020
On 16 November 2023, the FTA published the 2020 tax statistics.
Switzerland and Italy agree on permanent tax rules for working from home
On 10 November 2023, Federal Councillor Karin Keller-Sutter and the Italian Minister of Finance and Economy signed a declaration that permanently regulates the issue of taxation of home office for cross-border commuters.
Federal Council in favour of including taxes in the subsistence minimum
In a report dated 1 November 2023, the Federal Council is in principle in favour of taking taxes into account when calculating the minimum subsistence level under debt enforcement law. However, the new rules on calculation are intended to ensure the payment of tax claims and to protect the claims of dependants under family law.
Maximum deductions for pillar 3a in the 2024 tax year
The tax deduction for tied self-provision (pillar 3a) remains unchanged for the 2024 tax year.
FTA - Circular on professional expense allowances and remuneration in kind 2024 / Compensation for the consequences of the cold progression in direct federal tax for the tax year 2024
On September 5, 2023, the FTA published the circular "Professional expenses lump sums and remuneration in kind 2024 / Compensation of the consequences of the cold progression in the direct federal tax for the tax year 2024".
Federal Council sets benchmarks for individual taxation
At its meeting on August 30, 2023, the Federal Council defined the key parameters for the dispatch on the introduction of individual taxation. This bill will also serve as an indirect counter-proposal to the popular initiative "For individual taxation independent of civil status (tax fairness initiative)".
Facilitated subsequent taxation, tax succession and liability of heirs
Workshop by Nicole Bühler on the occasion of the ISIS) seminar on 26 November 2020 entitled "Advance withdrawal, inheritance, division of inheritance and execution of wills in tax law".
Tax consequences of inheritance and division of an estate
Workshop by Alexandra Hirt on the occasion of the ISIS) seminar on 26 November 2020 entitled "Advance withdrawal, inheritance, division of inheritance and execution of wills in tax law