Tax aspects of pension assets of internationally mobile employees
Employees are more mobile than ever. As a result, they often have occupational and private pension assets in several countries. The tax situation becomes confusing at the latest when a cross-border transfer or payment of these pension assets to the beneficiaries is to take place. This article first introduces the basics and presents the respective tax consequences in Switzerland with regard to the payout from the foreign pension forms on the basis of two cross-border practical examples.
Joint and several liability between spouses in tax law "So examine him who is eternally bound..."
"I'm living in separation and my ex-partner refuses to carry outstanding tax bills from our marriage. "Can the IRS require me to carry those bills on my own?" These and similar questions are common in tax consulting. The answer is "It depends." This article answers the relevant questions and analyses the differences in cantonal and municipal taxes.
Taxation of compensation payments from share certificates
This paper focuses on the income tax treatment of income from investments in classical index and basket certificates from equities. The focus is on the view of the investor resident in Switzerland who holds the products as part of her private assets.
Taxation of spouses in international relations
An "international" spouse relationship from a tax law perspective exists if only one spouse is subject to unlimited tax liability in Switzerland, while the other spouse has no or only limited tax liability in Switzerland. It must also be a legally and factually unseparated marriage. The taxation of such "international" spousal relationships is opposed by the addition of factors as prescribed by law. However, according to the established case law of the Federal Supreme Court, the latter - unlike in intercantonal relations - cannot create any tax liability in Switzerland.
FTA publishes circular no. 50a: Inadmissibility of the tax deduction of bribes
The Federal Tax Administration published the circular "Inadmissibility of the tax deduction of bribes" on December 5, 2023.
Report on Capital and Wealth Tax Reform Options
On 22 November 2023, the Federal Council adopted a report concluding that a shift in tax revenue from wealth and capital tax to income-based taxes could mitigate the disadvantages of a capital and wealth tax.
FTA publishes tax statistics of natural and legal persons 2020
On 16 November 2023, the FTA published the 2020 tax statistics.
Switzerland and Italy agree on permanent tax rules for working from home
On 10 November 2023, Federal Councillor Karin Keller-Sutter and the Italian Minister of Finance and Economy signed a declaration that permanently regulates the issue of taxation of home office for cross-border commuters.
Federal Council in favour of including taxes in the subsistence minimum
In a report dated 1 November 2023, the Federal Council is in principle in favour of taking taxes into account when calculating the minimum subsistence level under debt enforcement law. However, the new rules on calculation are intended to ensure the payment of tax claims and to protect the claims of dependants under family law.
Maximum deductions for pillar 3a in the 2024 tax year
The tax deduction for tied self-provision (pillar 3a) remains unchanged for the 2024 tax year.
FTA - Circular on professional expense allowances and remuneration in kind 2024 / Compensation for the consequences of the cold progression in direct federal tax for the tax year 2024
On September 5, 2023, the FTA published the circular "Professional expenses lump sums and remuneration in kind 2024 / Compensation of the consequences of the cold progression in the direct federal tax for the tax year 2024".
Federal Council sets benchmarks for individual taxation
At its meeting on August 30, 2023, the Federal Council defined the key parameters for the dispatch on the introduction of individual taxation. This bill will also serve as an indirect counter-proposal to the popular initiative "For individual taxation independent of civil status (tax fairness initiative)".
Droit de timbre de négociation/Impôt anticipé: Questions théoriques et pratiques actuelles
Atelier de Lucien Jean on the occasion of the séminaire ISIS) du 7 novembre 2023 intitulé "Actualités en matière d'impôt anticipé / Droits de timbre"
Remboursement de l'impôt anticipé / Personne physique
Atelier de Didier Nsanzineza et Tanguy Peter à l'occasion du séminaire ISIS) du 7 novembre 2023 intitulé "Actualités en matière d'impôt anticipé / Droits de timbre"