The unsuccessful move from Binningen to Wollerau - The location of the parking spaces for a Maserati and a Ferrari must be taken into account when determining tax residence
In its ruling of 19 September 2019 (2C_170/2019), the Federal Supreme Court had to judge an unsuccessful move from Binningen to Wollerau. It confirmed the ruling of 14 November 2018 of the Basel-Landschaft Cantonal Court (810 18 59).
Good news: Art. 23 VStG in conjunction Art. 70d VStG also applies to requests for reverse power under Art. 58 VStG
Since 1 January 2019, Art. 23 VStG in conjunction Art. 70d VStG concerning the non-forfeiture of the refund of withholding tax in force. The new regulation applies to claims that have not yet been legally decided since 1 January 2014 and, according to a new Federal Supreme Court decision, also applies to cases in which a tax office offset income and refunded the withholding tax, but reclaimed it after a reduction order by the EStV and the taxpayer appealed against it.
Refund of withholding tax under the new Art. 23(2) VStG - an interpretative regulation
The reimbursement of withholding tax to domestic recipients of services requires, among other things, that the income subject to withholding tax and the assets on which it is based are declared "in an orderly manner".
Zurich shows more flexibility for start-ups
On 5 November 2019, the Finance Directorate and the Economic Directorate of the Canton of Zurich published a joint press release stating that there should be no tax obstacles to an agreed change in the ownership structure of founding shareholders.
FTA publishes tax statistics 2016
On 1 November 2019, the Swiss Federal Tax Administration (FTA) published the tax statistics of natural and legal persons for 2016.
FTA updates information sheets for athletes and organizers
On 22 October 2019, the Federal Tax Administration (FTA) pointed out in its Special Information that athletes, sportswomen and sports teams resident or based abroad may become liable to tax by participating in a sports event in Switzerland.
Remuneration, default and refund interest rate for direct federal tax for the calendar year 2020
The Federal Department of Finance (FDF) has decided that for the calendar year 2020 it will continue not to pay any refund interest on amounts of direct federal tax paid early. The interest rate on arrears and the reimbursement rate also remain unchanged.
FTA publishes working paper on cryptocurrencies and ICOs/ITOs
The emergence and spread of crypto-currencies have raised various questions about the tax treatment of these book-entry securities. The Swiss Federal Tax Administration (FTA) has published a working paper outlining the practice developed to date (status end of May 2019).
Simplified taxation of the private use of company cars
According to a decision of the Federal Assembly, private use of company cars should be taxable at a flat rate which now also includes travel costs to the place of work. On 28 June 2019, the Federal Department of Finance (FDF) submitted an amendment to the ordinance for consultation.
Federal Council adopts additional message on the elimination of the "marriage penalty
On 14 August 2019, the Federal Council adopted the supplementary message on the amendment of the Federal Act on Direct Federal Taxation (Balanced Couples and Family Taxation).
Federal Council rejects popular initiative "Take the pressure off wages, tax capital fairly
At its meeting on 26 June 2019, the Federal Council dealt with the popular initiative "Relieve the burden on wages, tax capital fairly" and instructed the FDF to prepare a dispatch with a motion for rejection without a counter-proposal.
Monetary benefits
Workshop on "Monetary Benefits" by Sandro Di Giulio and Noëmie Kunz-Schenk on the occasion of the ISIS seminar "Taxation of Shareholder and Company in Personally Owned Businesses", September 18-19, 2023.
Valuation of shares in personal companies for property tax purposes
Workshop on "Valuation of shares in personal companies for wealth tax" by Remo Keller and Mauro Rezzonico on the occasion of the ISIS seminar "Taxation of shareholder and company in personal companies", September 18-19, 2023.
Seminar folder ISIS)-Seminar "Startups - Tax and Duty Law Challenges (1/2)" (2023)
Case studies, detailed solution notes and slides: Here you will receive all documents of the individual workshops according to the following content description from the ISIS) seminar "Startups - Tax and Tax Law Challenges (1/2)" from 07 June 2023 under the direction of Ruth Bloch-Riemer.