Reform of the withholding tax - can the Gordian knot be untangled?
With its dispatch of April 2021 on the reform of the withholding tax, the Federal Council is making a new attempt to strengthen the domestic debt capital market. The bill is economically necessary and suitable for finding a pragmatic solution that is acceptable to the majority. Parliamentary consultations have already begun.
Withholding tax and debt capital, including the planned revision of the Withholding Tax Act
In terms of withholding tax, we focus on withholding tax on the income from equity securities. In particular, pecuniary benefits occupy us and often lead to emotionally profound experiences and contacts with withholding tax. Similarly, we constantly deal with the question of the refund of withholding tax owed, including the issue of "How can I repatriate profit reserves subject to withholding tax abroad?
Withholding tax reform - "more than meets the eye
The withholding tax reform bill introduced with the Federal Council Dispatch published on 14 April 2021 aims to largely abolish withholding tax on interest income and, as an accompanying measure, to abolish the turnover tax on Swiss bonds. In this context, implementation issues at the banks and financial institutions, the effects of the reform on structured products and group financing, the treatment of substitute payments in securities lending/borrowing transactions and indirect interest investments are examined in greater detail.
Editorial for the special issue "Implementation of the STAF
At zsis we are pleased to be able to provide an overview of the implementation of the corporate tax reform in the individual cantons. The authors not only provide information on the reduction of the profit tax rate, but also highlight the change from tax privileges to ordinary corporate taxation. They also report on the other cantonal particularities.
National Council does not want a code of interpretation on tax self-reports
The National Council does not consider it necessary to know how the number of voluntary reports of tax evaders with impunity has developed since 2010. It narrowly refused by 98 votes to 93 to commission the Federal Council with a report on the matter. Even the latter would have considered it useful.
Stricter rules for cross-border online trade
The rules for cross-border online trade will be tightened: the Federal Council must take measures to make foreign online marketplaces and service platforms subject to value-added tax when supplying goods or services to Switzerland.
National Council wants to reduce VAT rate for tampons and bandages
Tampons, bandages and panty liners are to become cheaper. The National Council wants to reduce the VAT rate for feminine hygiene products. Tacitly, on Friday, he tacitly accepted a motion by Neuchâtel SP National Councillor Jacques-André Maire. This will now go to the Council of States.
National Council wants to facilitate intra-group financing
The Federal Council should resume work on the reform of the withholding tax - with a view to tax relief for intra-group financing. This is what the National Council demands. On Wednesday he adopted a motion from his economic commission. Opponents warned of tax shortfalls.
National Council against report on tax evasion
The National Council does not want to know the extent to which taxes are evaded in Switzerland. On Wednesday he refused to demand a report from the Federal Council.
Publication of drafts of the practice definitions of the VAT Department (14 February 2019)
On 14 February 2019, the Federal Tax Administration (FTA) published a second draft on the determination of practice.
Referenda against STAF proposal and arms directive
The referenda against the Federal Law on Tax Reform and OASI Financing (STAF) and against the Federal Decree on the amended EU Arms Directive (further development of the Schengen acquis) have been formally adopted.
Entry into force of amendments to tax laws and regulations
The Federal Tax Administration has updated the lists of changes to laws and ordinances on direct federal tax, value added tax, withholding tax and stamp duties. The list contains amendments to decrees in tax and duty law in which the Federal Tax Administration is significantly involved or for the implementation of which it is responsible. The list also includes legislative and regulatory projects that have not yet been completed.