Questions of justice regarding the Swiss inheritance tax according to John Rawls
Is Swiss inheritance tax law fair? The author of this article examines the answer to this question by applying the philosopher John Rawls' theory of justice. It examines the fundamental question of the justification of an inheritance tax as such and the subsequent question of the design of an inheritance tax from the point of view of justice.
"Structure follows strategy" in corporate succession - insights from the SIX Swiss Exchange Family Business Conference 2023
"Structure follows strategy" is a conclusion of the American business historian Alfred D. Chandler, which states that the strategy should be defined first and then a structure that leads to the realization of the strategy. This principle is often not sufficiently taken into account in corporate succession and the focus is prematurely placed on implementation and structuring issues. The topics discussed at this year's SIX Swiss Exchange Family Business Conference are set out below against this background.
Succession planning: tax pitfalls
When Swiss families think about the organization of their estate, they generally do not pursue any immediate tax objectives. In general, it is more a question of transferring assets to the next generation or at least initiating the future reorganization of ownership structures in the present. Of course, reducing wealth tax and breaking the tax progression, for example, can be an accompanying motive, but practice shows that this is rarely the actual "trigger". This article presents some typical questions.
The tax treatment of (underpriced) non-family business succession with special consideration of Ticino practice
Does an underpriced transfer of shares to an employee always lead to income tax consequences? With this article, the authors want to stimulate discussion on a very relevant aspect of non-family business succession: the distinction between (income taxable) employee shareholdings and (possibly non-income taxable) succession arrangements. The authors take a look at the practice and case law in the canton of Ticino and other cantons as well as the possible effects of recent inheritance law reforms.
Uniform flat-rate tax deduction for all employed persons
At its meeting on 17 November 2021, the Federal Council instructed the FDF to draw up a bill concerning a uniform flat-rate tax deduction for all employed persons.
FTA publishes maximum pillar 3a deductions
In 2022, the tax deduction within the scope of tied personal pension provision (pillar 3a) is CHF 6,883 for taxpayers with a 2nd pillar and CHF 34,416 for taxpayers without a 2nd pillar. The maximum deductions are also the relevant payment limits.
FTA publishes tax statistics for individuals and legal entities 2018
On 8 November, the FTA published the 2018 tax statistics.
The FTA has updated the statistics on the capital contribution principle (November 2021)
The Federal Tax Administration (FTA) has updated the statistics on the capital contribution principle (capital contributions, repayments and other changes) as of 30 September 2021.
Council of States agrees on bill to abolish imputed rental value
On 21 September 2021, the Council of States, as the first Council, approved the bill.
Federal Council presents a study on individual taxation
At its meeting on 24 September 2021, the Federal Council approved the outline of individual taxation.
Memorandum of Understanding between Switzerland and France
SIF announced on 23 September 2021 that the provisional mutual agreement of 13 May 2020 between Switzerland and France on the taxation of cross-border workers who work in the home office as a result of measures taken to combat COVID-19 will remain in force until 31 December 2021.
Tax (penalty) consequences of discretionary assessments.
Workshop by Verena Grossmann and Rolf Benz on the occasion of the ISIS) seminar of 09 May 2023 entitled "Tax (Penalty) Consequences in Discretionary Assessments".
Intent and negligence
"Workshop by Daniel Holenstein on the occasion of the ISIS) seminar of 09 May 2023 entitled "Intent and Negligence".