Tax aspects of family business succession
In the coming years, many small and medium-sized companies will face the challenge of arranging their succession. A transfer against payment or free of charge may be considered in order to remain in family ownership. The planning and implementation of succession is an important topic for entrepreneurs with links to numerous areas of law. This article is dedicated to the tax challenges and solution strategies in family business succession in order to support companies in strategically well thought-out and tax-optimized planning.
Taxation of spouses in international relations - tax segregation issues
In the zsis) issue of November 2019, the authors dealt with tax law stumbling blocks in the taxation of spouses in international relationships. In this article, they have focused on the tax segregation of international spouses. On the basis of a test scheme with three questions, they show that a systematic procedure is essential for correct tax segregation and that there is still a need for action here on the part of the assessment authority and the courts.
Far more than cryptocurrencies ...
The editorial for the focus issue "Blockchain, Crypto and NFTs". In recent years, blockchain technology has caused a stir around the world. In this context, tax law has dealt with blockchain technology primarily in connection with cryptocurrencies. However, the scope of blockchain technology goes far beyond cryptocurrencies.
Taxation of NFTs in the luxury industry - a case study
Non-fungible tokens ("NFTs" for short), i.e. unique cryptographic tokens representing physical or digital value, are currently on everyone's lips - at least since the NFT "Everydays: the First 5000 Days" was auctioned by Christie's in 2021 for USD 69.3 million. Using the NFTs of the watch brand DuBois et fils, which were issued for the first time in 2021, it will be shown how companies in the luxury sector can use NFTs both to market products and to build a close customer relationship, and which tax issues have to be taken into account.
RS professional expense allowances and remuneration in kind 2025 published
The FTA has published the circular "Professional expense allowances and remuneration in kind 2025 / Compensation for the consequences of cold progression in direct federal tax for the 2025 tax year".
Federal Council rejects JUSO popular initiative
At its meeting on May 15, 2024, the Federal Council defined its position on the popular initiative "For a social climate policy - fairly financed through taxation". It is of the opinion that the initiative is not a suitable means of achieving Switzerland's climate targets. In particular, it reduces the attractiveness of Switzerland for wealthy individuals. The Federal Council intends to recommend that Parliament reject the initiative without a direct counter-proposal or indirect counter-proposal.
Maximum pillar 3a deductions in tax year 2025
The tax deduction for tied pension provision (pillar 3a) has been adjusted for the 2025 tax year.
Federal Council rejects popular initiative "Yes to fair federal taxes for married couples too"
At its meeting on June 26, 2024, the Federal Council defined its position on the Centre Party's popular initiative "Yes to fair federal taxes for married couples too - finally abolish discrimination against marriage!" and recommends that Parliament reject the initiative without a direct or indirect counter-proposal.
Federal Council rejects popular initiative "For a social climate policy - fairly financed through taxation (Initiative for a future)"
On May 15, 2024, the Federal Council defined its position on the popular initiative "For a social climate policy - fairly financed through taxation (Initiative for a future)".
Federal Council creates national basis for the taxation of teleworking by cross-border commuters
At its meeting on March 1, 2024, the Federal Council adopted the dispatch on the taxation of teleworking in international relations.
Parliament wants more powers for family foundations
On February 27, 2024, the National Council also approved a motion by Aargau FDP Council of States member Thierry Burkart, after the Council of States had already done so. It goes to the Federal Council for implementation.
Federal Council adopts dispatch on individual taxation
At its meeting on February 21, 2024, the Federal Council adopted the dispatch on the popular initiative "For individual taxation regardless of marital status" (tax justice initiative) and the indirect counter-proposal (Federal Act on Individual Taxation).
Taxation of investments in securities in Switzerland - including structured products, collective investments and segregation of private and professional asset management
Workshop on the occasion of the ISIS) seminar on 10-11 September 2018 entitled "Taxation of investments in securities in Switzerland
Taxation of investments in the context of estate planning - national and international
Workshop on the occasion of the ISIS) seminar on 10-11 September 2018 entitled "Current Problems of Taxation of Private Investments".