Quasi-property trading - from the elasticity of the criteria
In its ruling, which was heard in public on October 13, 2022 and served on the parties in writing on March 30, 2023, the Federal Supreme Court dismissed the appeal of a married couple residing in the Canton of Zurich. It upheld the ruling of the Administrative Court of the Canton of Zurich, according to which the taxpayers had qualified as quasi-real estate dealers by selling a rented apartment building. The Federal Supreme Court based its decision on the fact that the taxpayers, who also held other rented properties in co-ownership, had taken a high financial risk when acquiring the property, had sold the property after a short holding period (5 ½ years), had spent a great deal of time managing the property during the holding period and had acquired it with the plan of achieving the highest possible profit upon sale. In their discussion of the ruling, the authors deal with the Federal Supreme Court's reasoning and explain why the ruling leads to legal uncertainties in practice.
Income tax-free repayment of a hidden capital contribution to the shareholder
The Federal Supreme Court had to decide for the first time whether the repayment of a hidden capital contribution to the shareholder constitutes taxable investment income or whether it can be made tax-free. After interpreting the term "repayment of contributions" in Art. 20 para. 3 DBG, it comes to the conclusion that hidden capital contributions also fall under this, that the accounting requirement from Art. 5 para. 1bis VStG is not relevant and that the repayment of a hidden capital contribution is income tax-free.
Algorithmically verified tax return in the ordinary mixed assessment procedure
The digitization of the tax area and, in particular, the automation of the assessment process are advancing. In the process, risk management systems can be used to automatically check the plausibility of tax returns. Such a risk analysis can lead to challenges under fundamental rights and data protection law, which must be countered in particular by creating specific legal foundations.
How mobile working is changing tax and social security law
The home office has long since become a normal form of work. It enables greater flexibility and thus a better life-work balance, which is why many employees no longer want to do without it. In addition, the home office can also be advantageous for companies: In particular, office space can be reduced, thereby saving on rental costs and energy costs, and employee motivation can be kept high.
List of surrenderable Pillar 3b endowment insurance policies published
The Federal Tax Administration published the circular "List of surrenderable Pillar 3b endowment insurance policies, as of 31 December 2020" on 9 March 2021.
List of recognised providers for pillar 3a published
The Federal Tax Administration published the circular "List of providers of recognised tied pension products (pillar 3a), as at 31 December 2020" on 8 March 2021.
Canton of residence responsible in future for withholding tax on heirs
An amendment to the Ordinance on Withholding Tax is due to come into force on 1 January 2022, according to which the heirs of an inheritance that has not yet been distributed will be able to reclaim withholding tax on inheritance income in their canton of residence (previously: last canton of residence of the deceased).
Tax-approved interest rates 2021 for advances or loans in Swiss francs and foreign currencies
The granting of interest-free or insufficiently interest-bearing advances or loans to participants or third parties related to them constitutes a payment in kind. This shall also apply to translated interest which is paid on the basis of obligations to participants or third parties close to them.
FTA publishes withholding tax rates 2021
The Federal Tax Administration (FTA) published the first withholding tax rates for 2021 (including corrections) on 4 and 10 December 2020.
Adjustment SSK-KS 28: New calculation of the capitalization rate and clarification regarding start-up companies
The Swiss Tax Conference published an updated version of SSK-KS 28 on 3 November, which concerns the calculation of the capitalisation rate for determining the capitalised earnings value and a clarification of the practice for the valuation of start-up companies.
FTA publishes circular "Information sheet on withholding tax on substitute income
On 29 October 2020, the Federal Tax Administration published the circular "Instruction sheet on the withholding tax on substitute income" (2-186-D-2020-e). This leaflet has been completely revised in the course of the provisions on the revision of withholding tax that will come into force on 1 January 2021.
Intra-family succession against payment and without payment
Workshop by Alexandra Hirt on the occasion of the ISIS) seminar on November 16, 2022 entitled "Tax Aspects of Business Succession".
Questions choisies d'impôts directs, droits de donation et succession
Workshop by Nicolas Candaux and Arnaud Cywie on the occasion of the ISIS) seminar of November 16, 2022 entitled "Structuration du patrimoine privé au moyen d'un trust ou d'une fondation".