Tax avoidance through offshore structures
On Sunday evening, 4 October 2021, various media around the world simultaneously published the so-called "Pandora Papers", which once again accuse various individuals of tax evasion and tax avoidance through structures, be it in the form of foundations, trusts or companies based in so-called tax havens. There have been similar revelations before, namely in April 2016 in the "Panama Papers" and in November 2017 in the "Paradise Papers". What all these revelations have in common is that they are based on data leaks and target prominent people from politics, business, sports and entertainment with media attention. The revelations have led to an increased call for transparency and increasingly strict compliance regulations. However, the media also reveal that these offshore companies are legal structures used to optimise taxes, but not to evade them. Foundations and trusts are indeed legal structures that are usually not set up for purely tax considerations. Nevertheless, such (offshore) structures can lead to under-taxation if they are treated as fiscally transparent by the Swiss tax authorities and the founder/trustee and/or beneficiary resident in Switzerland has not declared the assets and income.
Zurich change in practice regarding the lump-sum deduction for property maintenance costs
In a recent ruling, the Zurich Administrative Court stated that ancillary costs that are passed on to the tenants according to the effective method are not part of the taxable rental income. As a result, the Cantonal Tax Office has amended its leaflet on property maintenance and stipulates that, contrary to the ruling of the Administrative Court, from the 2020 tax period onwards the flat-rate maintenance costs will only be granted if all ancillary costs, with the exception of heating, hot water and staircase cleaning, are accepted as taxable income.
Tax treatment of employee share ownership in Switzerland - basic principles and current practical cases
Employee participation in the development of a company is very popular in Switzerland and abroad. The following article first presents the basics of the tax treatment of employee share ownership in Switzerland. Then two practical examples are discussed and the respective tax consequences as well as specific detailed questions in the same context are discussed in more detail.
Tax aspects of pension assets of internationally mobile employees
Employees are more mobile than ever. As a result, they often have occupational and private pension assets in several countries. The tax situation becomes confusing at the latest when a cross-border transfer or payment of these pension assets to the beneficiaries is to take place. This article first introduces the basics and presents the respective tax consequences in Switzerland with regard to the payout from the foreign pension forms on the basis of two cross-border practical examples.
Greater fiscal consideration of the costs of third party childcare
The Economic Commission of the National Council has accepted without opposition the Federal Council's Dispatch 18.050 concerning the tax recognition of third-party childcare costs. This proposal is related to the initiative for skilled workers and is intended to promote the employment of women. The Commission considers that taxing the cost of external care can be an argument for women wishing to enter the labour market, as the cost of care is too high for many young families. In the overall vote, the Commission approved the unchanged proposal by 11 votes to 8 with 5 abstentions. However, a minority of the Commission wishes to limit the deduction to the proven costs of institutional provision of childcare outside the family (rejected by 18 votes to 5), while a second minority demands a deduction not only for third-party but also for self-care of children (rejected by 13 votes to 10). The transaction is expected to be dealt with in the spring session 2019.
Marriage penalty: External expert recommends a broader data basis for the FTA
The statistical basis for direct federal tax, on which the Federal Tax Administration (FTA) can draw, is insufficient. Therefore, especially the estimation of the number of persons affected by the marriage penalty remains subject to uncertainty. This is the conclusion of an external report commissioned by the Federal Department of Finance (FDF), the results of which were presented to the Federal Council at its meeting on 7 November 2018.
Remuneration interest rate for direct federal tax remains the same
The Federal Department of Finance (FDF) has decided to continue not to pay any refund interest for the calendar year 2019 on amounts of direct federal tax paid early.
National Council maintains mandate for tax deductions
The National Council insists that the Federal Council implement an adopted motion on the taxation of foreigners. On 27 September 2018 he refused to write them off.
Harmonisation of interest rates for federal tax exemptions
On 10 September 2018, the Council of States adopted the motion "Harmonisation of interest rates in federal tax decrees" with the following amendment: "The Federal Council is instructed to harmonise interest rates in federal tax decrees in such a way that a generally applicable default and refund interest rate is established".
Stop the tax penalty in pillar 3b. Tax the income share instead of the capital contribution in the case of a capital withdrawal
On 10 September 2018, the Council of States adopted the motion "Stop the tax penalty in pillar 3b. In the case of a capital withdrawal, tax the share of income instead of the capital contribution" with the following amendment: "The Federal Council is instructed to submit to parliament an amendment to the Federal Tax Act (DBG) and the Tax Harmonisation Act (StHG) in order to achieve a flexibilisation of the flat-rate share of income on all benefits (periodic benefits, surrender, refund) from life annuities and life insurance policies, adapted to the respective investment conditions.
WAK-S has defined key points for the system change in the taxation of residential property
After detailed discussion and extensive clarifications, the WAK-S decided how the system change in imputed rental value should be implemented and commissioned the administration and secretariat to prepare a preliminary draft.
Intra-family succession and management succession
Workshop by Julia von Ah and Thomas Gammeter on the occasion of the ISIS) seminar on May 27, 2024 entitled "Family succession and succession in the context of management"
Tax and tax law aspects relating to the exit
Workshop by Michael Barrot, Kerem Altay and Fabian Utzinger on the occasion of the ISIS) seminar on May 27, 2024 entitled "Tax and tax law aspects of exits"
Dossier de séminaire ISIS) "Actualités en matière d'impôt anticipé / Droits de timbre" (2023)
Etudes de cas, solutions détaillées et transparents : vous trouverez ici tous les documents des différents ateliers selon la description du contenu ci-dessous du séminaire ISIS) "Actualités en matière d'impôt anticipé / Droits de timbre" du 7 novembre 2023 sous la direction de Laila Rochat.