Reform of the withholding tax - can the Gordian knot be untangled?
With its dispatch of April 2021 on the reform of the withholding tax, the Federal Council is making a new attempt to strengthen the domestic debt capital market. The bill is economically necessary and suitable for finding a pragmatic solution that is acceptable to the majority. Parliamentary consultations have already begun.
Withholding tax and debt capital, including the planned revision of the Withholding Tax Act
In terms of withholding tax, we focus on withholding tax on the income from equity securities. In particular, pecuniary benefits occupy us and often lead to emotionally profound experiences and contacts with withholding tax. Similarly, we constantly deal with the question of the refund of withholding tax owed, including the issue of "How can I repatriate profit reserves subject to withholding tax abroad?
Withholding tax reform - "more than meets the eye
The withholding tax reform bill introduced with the Federal Council Dispatch published on 14 April 2021 aims to largely abolish withholding tax on interest income and, as an accompanying measure, to abolish the turnover tax on Swiss bonds. In this context, implementation issues at the banks and financial institutions, the effects of the reform on structured products and group financing, the treatment of substitute payments in securities lending/borrowing transactions and indirect interest investments are examined in greater detail.
Editorial for the special issue "Implementation of the STAF
At zsis we are pleased to be able to provide an overview of the implementation of the corporate tax reform in the individual cantons. The authors not only provide information on the reduction of the profit tax rate, but also highlight the change from tax privileges to ordinary corporate taxation. They also report on the other cantonal particularities.
STAF - Abolition of the federal practices for principal companies and Swiss Finance Branches
As part of the implementation of the STAF, the Federal Tax Administration (FTA) will no longer apply the federal practices for principal companies and Swiss Finance Branches from 1 January 2020.
Adoption of the tax reform and AHV financing (STAF) (referendum of 19 May 2019)
After the Corporate Tax Reform III (USR III) was rejected in February 2017, Swiss voters voted on the tax reform and AHV financing (STAF). The proposal was accepted by the people and cantons with around 66% (cf. preliminary official final results).
FDK publishes survey results on the implementation status of STAF in the cantons
The Conference of Cantonal Finance Directors (FDK) published the results of a survey on the updated implementation status of the Federal Law on Tax Reform and OASI Financing (SV17 / STAF) in a communication dated 10 May 2019.
Federal Council initiates consultation on STAF regulations concerning the deduction of interest on capital and foreign withholding taxes
On April 10, 2019, the Federal Council sent the ordinances for the implementation of STAF (tax reform and AHV financing) for consultation.
National Council wants VAT exemption for cultural associations
Participants at cultural events such as the Yodel Festival should be able to benefit from a VAT exemption in future - just like participants at sports events. On Wednesday the National Council adopted a motion tabled by SVP National Councillor Pierre-André Page (FR).
Federal interest on arrears and remuneration will be harmonised
Uniform interest rates on arrears and remuneration should apply to direct federal tax, value added tax and other levies levied by the federal government. This was decided by Parliament. On Tuesday, the National Council approved another amendment to the Council of States.