VAT treatment of fiscal and other financial incentives to promote business locations
As a result of the global minimum tax, Switzerland must rethink its existing fiscal incentives to strengthen the location of business standards. The tax advantage of existing incentives (e.g. special R&D deduction, patent box) loses its effectiveness for affected companies. The first cantons are therefore proposing new instruments such as the Qualified Refundable Tax Credit or state subsidies. This article examines the question of whether such new incentives to promote business locations fall under the VAT term "subsidies and other contributions under public law" and how they should therefore be treated, in particular to what extent a reduction of the input tax deduction should be applied or can be waived.
Inheritance and gift tax at federal level - the so-called "Future Initiative" of the JUSO
The "Future Initiative" aims to tax the assets of natural persons through an additional inheritance and gift tax at federal level. With an exemption amount of CHF 50 million, the tax affects wealthy individuals. The proposed tax rate was set at 50%, without providing for exceptions to taxation. Due to the existing inheritance and gift taxes, this could lead to a much higher effective tax burden. Numerous unresolved questions and a planned retroactive effect are already causing great uncertainty well before a referendum at the beginning of 2026. This article uses examples to illustrate possible consequences and measures for action.
Restructuring and insolvency - legal requirements under the revised stock corporation law
As part of its management and financial responsibility, the Board of Directors is obliged to monitor the financial situation of its company. If a company gets into financial difficulties, it must take measures to avert insolvency or at least prevent the damage from increasing. The revised Stock Corporation Act, which came into force on January 1, 2023, imposes specific duties on the board of directors in the event of imminent insolvency, half capital loss and over-indebtedness. This article deals with the legal requirements and shows to what extent the revision has brought changes to these restructuring-related provisions and what new questions arise in practice.
The definition of turnover according to the Minimum Tax Ordinance
According to the Minimum Tax Ordinance (MindStV), business units belonging to Switzerland are subject to Swiss supplementary tax if they belong to a group of companies with a turnover of at least EUR 750 million. The concept of turnover as a central prerequisite for subjective tax liability is only rudimentarily regulated in the ordinance. This article examines this concept from different perspectives with reference to various OECD/G20 documents and identifies open questions.
Federal Council wants to further improve framework conditions for Blockchain/DLT
At its meeting on 7 December 2018, the Federal Council adopted a report on the legal framework for block chain and distributed ledger technology (DLT) in the financial sector. The report shows that the Swiss legal framework is well suited to deal with new technologies, including block chaining. Nevertheless, there is still a need for adjustment in some areas. The Federal Council also took note of the analysis of an interdepartmental working group on money laundering and terrorist financing risks of crypto assets.
Publication of the drafts of the practical definitions of the VAT Department
On January 29, 2019, a revised first draft on the VAT practice topic: Cryptocurrencies was posted on the website. The deadline for comments is February 19, 2019, and the first draft will remain on line after the practical consultation.
Tax reform and AHV financing: coordination
The Federal Council has decided to put two proposals to the vote on 19 May 2019, provided that the referendum against them is successful. These include the Federal Act of 28 September 2018 on Tax Reform and AHV Financing (STAF) (BBl 2018 6031).
Greater fiscal consideration of the costs of third party childcare
The Economic Commission of the National Council has accepted without opposition the Federal Council's Dispatch 18.050 concerning the tax recognition of third-party childcare costs. This proposal is related to the initiative for skilled workers and is intended to promote the employment of women. The Commission considers that taxing the cost of external care can be an argument for women wishing to enter the labour market, as the cost of care is too high for many young families. In the overall vote, the Commission approved the unchanged proposal by 11 votes to 8 with 5 abstentions. However, a minority of the Commission wishes to limit the deduction to the proven costs of institutional provision of childcare outside the family (rejected by 18 votes to 5), while a second minority demands a deduction not only for third-party but also for self-care of children (rejected by 13 votes to 10). The transaction is expected to be dealt with in the spring session 2019.
Federal practices for principal companies and Swiss Finance Branches from 1 January 2019
As part of the Tax Bill and OASI Financing (STAF), the Federal Tax Administration (FTA) will no longer apply the federal practices for principal companies and Swiss Finance Branches to companies seeking to take advantage of these practices for the first time beginning in 2019.
Commission majority against abolition of beer tax
The Economic Commission of the National Council dealt with a parliamentary initiative by National Councillor Claudio Zanetti to abolish the beer tax (17,469) and decided by 16 to 8 votes not to follow the initiative. The majority argue that the industry itself is satisfied with the current regime of graduated beer tax, which favours small independent brewers, and does not want any change. Moreover, abolition would send the wrong signal in terms of prevention. The minority is annoyed by the unequal tax treatment of beer and wine and would like to abolish the tax.
Federal Council repeals the transitional provision in the Ordinance on the International Automatic Exchange of Information in Tax Matters
At its meeting on 7 November 2018, the Federal Council decided to repeal the transitional provision on the term "participating states" in the Ordinance on the International Automatic Exchange of Information in Tax Matters as of 1 January 2019. This will implement an international requirement.
Reform of the withholding tax
The Economic Commission of the National Council discussed further work on the parliamentary initiative 17,494 after the sister commission of the Council of States had approved its decision to follow this initiative (cf. WAK-S press release of 20 August 2018). In this context, she discussed in particular with the head of the responsible department the Federal Council's plans for reforming the withholding tax and changing from the debtor to the paying agent principle. Subject to the approval of the Office of the National Council, the commission decided by 16 votes to 8 to set up a sub-commission and to instruct it to prepare a preliminary draft for the implementation of the parliamentary initiative. The subcommittee should coordinate its work with that of the Federal Council.
Seminar folder ISIS)-Seminar "Change of Status, Patent Box and R&D Effort in Practice" (2021)
Case studies, detailed solutions and slides: Here you will find all documents (workshops and presentations) according to the following description from the ISIS seminar "Status change, patent box and R&D expenditure in practice" on 21 September 2021 under the direction of René Matteotti and Jürg B. Altorfer.
Withholding taxes - What to focus on in the new law?
Workshop by Birgitte Zulauf and Abramo Lo Parco on the occasion of the ISIS) seminar on 13/14 September 2021 entitled "Employee compensation in tax and social security law".