Blockchain technology: opportunity or risk for tax consulting?
The topic of block chaining is increasingly becoming a public issue and has long since been known not only in combination with the crypto currency Bitcoin. Investments and trust in block chain technology, which now serves as the basis for various business models, are rising significantly. While this was initially mainly the case in the financial industry, other sectors are now recognising valuable potential. For example, in tax consulting and auditing, in addition to the correct accounting of tokens, possible applications of the block chain must also be examined and implemented accordingly.
The Liechtenstein "Blockchain Law" (TVTG) from the perspective of tax consulting
The article shows that although there is now a legal basis for the token economy in Liechtenstein, no adjustments to the tax law are necessary. This is because the economic approach to tax law means that a situation can be subsumed and assessed from a tax perspective regardless of the technology used.
ISIS Tax Talks 2018: Accounting and Taxation of Crypto Issues
The accounting and taxation of crypto items was the focus of the ISIS Tax Talks on 20 November 2018 in Zurich-Oerlikon. Mr. Matthias Langer, LL.M., tax consultant and partner of actus ag in Liechtenstein, provided the audience with an overview of the challenges that arise in practice with regard to digital currencies. Prof. Dr. iur. Peter Mäusli-Allenspach, LL.M., lic. iur. HSG Thomas Linder, federally certified tax expert, and lic. iur. Stephan Stauber, lawyer and head of the tax administration of the Canton of Basel-Stadt, participated in the subsequent discussion on the topic.
New regulation of the tax remission - old wine in new skins?
On 1 January 2016, the Federal Act on a new regulation of tax remission (Tax Remission Act, AS 2015 9) came into force. In addition to the codification of the requirements for enactment and the regulation of the (available first instance) procedure at the legislative level, the Federal Commission for Enactment (EEK) was abolished and the instance/legal protection was completely modified. The following article provides an outline of the new regulations and a brief assessment.
Martin Huber about the new zsis)
The journal zsis) was renamed the "Center for Swiss and International Tax Law" in spring 2018. On the zsis)-platform, contents around the topic tax law are published. The publication takes place in 10 issues per year, which are sent directly and conveniently to your mailbox via a newsletter. All content distributed via the newsletter can also be found directly on the zsis)-platform.
Popular initiative for a "micro-tax" launched
Initiators around Prof. Dr. Marc Chesney and former Federal Council spokesman Oswald Sigg announced to media people on 15 November 2019 that a collection of signatures for a popular initiative for a "micro-tax" is to start next January 2020.
Federal Council wants to enable electronic tax returns without signatures
The Federal Council wants to waive the obligation to sign the electronically submitted tax return.
FTA publishes withholding tax treatment of profits from the Money Gaming Act
On 6 February, the Federal Tax Administration (FTA) published a specialist information document on the withholding tax treatment of profits from the Money Gaming Act.
Entry into force of amendments to tax laws and regulations
The Federal Tax Administration has updated the lists of changes to laws and ordinances on direct federal tax, value added tax, withholding tax and stamp duties. The list contains amendments to decrees in tax and duty law in which the Federal Tax Administration is significantly involved or for the implementation of which it is responsible. The list also includes legislative and regulatory projects that have not yet been completed.
Commission majority against abolition of beer tax
The Economic Commission of the National Council dealt with a parliamentary initiative by National Councillor Claudio Zanetti to abolish the beer tax (17,469) and decided by 16 to 8 votes not to follow the initiative. The majority argue that the industry itself is satisfied with the current regime of graduated beer tax, which favours small independent brewers, and does not want any change. Moreover, abolition would send the wrong signal in terms of prevention. The minority is annoyed by the unequal tax treatment of beer and wine and would like to abolish the tax.
Parliament does not want to save hydropower with "dirty electricity tax
Parliament does not want to introduce a tax on "dirty electricity". Following the National Council, on 26 September the Council of States also rejected a professional initiative by the Canton of Geneva. This proposes to use the yield for hydropower and other renewable energies. That settles the matter.