ISIS Tax Talks 2018: Accounting and Taxation of Crypto Issues
The accounting and taxation of crypto items was the focus of the ISIS Tax Talks on 20 November 2018 in Zurich-Oerlikon. Mr. Matthias Langer, LL.M., tax consultant and partner of actus ag in Liechtenstein, provided the audience with an overview of the challenges that arise in practice with regard to digital currencies. Prof. Dr. iur. Peter Mäusli-Allenspach, LL.M., lic. iur. HSG Thomas Linder, federally certified tax expert, and lic. iur. Stephan Stauber, lawyer and head of the tax administration of the Canton of Basel-Stadt, participated in the subsequent discussion on the topic.
Value added tax in the annual financial statements - general information for practical application realization
The MWSTG includes standards for the clean recording of VAT in the annual financial statements, which must be observed. This article deals with the relevant standards of accounting law and refers to the current decision of the Federal Administrative Court on value added tax. The correct recording of turnover tax and input tax and the guarantee of the audit trail are important prerequisites for VAT compliance.
Voluntary VAT registration: Federal Supreme Court relativises decision of the Federal Administrative Court
In its decision of 28 May 2015, the Federal Supreme Court (FSC) ruled on a case based on the decision of the Federal Administrative Court (FAC) of 23 September 2014, which was commented on at the beginning of the year in the same place.
Home Office - Tax treatment in the cross-border area
Today, many tasks can be done from anywhere. The traditional workplace in the office has had its day. A telecommuting job at home brings advantages for both sides: The employer saves the costs of renting the room, the employee saves the way to the office. The following article examines the question of whether working from home can give rise to a tax permanent establishment in cross-border international situations. For the purposes of this paper, "home office" means a room or rooms which are located in the employee's home and which are used, at least in part, not only for residential purposes but also for work purposes.
Compensation paid by Swiss companies to foreign directors
This video provides information on the possible tax and social security implications of a board of directors resident in an EU country in the case of a Swiss company limited by shares if the board of directors is also self-employed in its country of residence.
Selected parliamentary business in the tax area at federal level (March 2020)
The Federal Tax Administration (FTA) has published a revised version of the overview of selected parliamentary business in the tax field at federal level.
FTA publishes measures and circulars due to coronavirus
The Federal Tax Administration (FTA) published measures due to the coronavirus on 26 March 2020, referring to the package of measures adopted by the Federal Council (see our contribution of 21 March 2020). Furthermore, on 24 March 2020 it issued a corresponding circular concerning payment relief for direct federal tax.
Federal Council approves coronavirus package of measures
At its meeting on 20 March 2020, the Federal Council approved various measures to cushion the economic consequences of the coronavirus. The tax measures are as follows:
OECD publishes report on transfer prices in financial transactions
On 11 February 2020, the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) published a report containing guidelines on the transfer pricing aspects of financial transactions.
Circular letter 34 of the Swiss Tax Conference (SSK)
On 15 January 2020, the Swiss Tax Conference (SSK) published Circular Letter 34 on the "Intercantonal tax separation of companies claiming the deductions provided for in the STAF" for the additional deductions newly introduced for state and municipal taxes - but not for direct federal taxes - following the entry into force (1 January 2020) of the Federal Law on Tax Reform and OASI Financing (STAF) of 28 September 2018.
Tax-deductible interest rates 2020 for advances or loans in Swiss francs and foreign currencies
The granting of interest-free or insufficiently interest-bearing advances or loans to participants or third parties related to them constitutes a payment in kind. This shall also apply to translated interest which is paid on the basis of obligations to participants or third parties close to them.
FTA publishes Circular Letters 22a and 23a concerning the partial taxation of income from investments held as private and business assets
On 31 January 2020, the Federal Tax Administration (FTA) published Circular Letters No. 22a "Partial Taxation of Income from Participations as Part of Private Assets and Restriction of Debt Interest Deduction" and No. 23a "Partial Taxation of Income from Participations as Part of Business Assets and Participations Declared as Business Assets".