Extraterritorial change of status through the introduction of the Income Inclusion Rule
With the introduction of the Income Inclusion Rule (IIR), Switzerland must in future also tax previously untaxed hidden reserves and goodwill of low-taxed or non-taxed foreign subsidiaries upon realisation that were created before 1 January 2024. This will result in a change of status analogous to STAF. This paper is a thought experiment on whether this change of status would not also have to result in a step-up for profit tax purposes from a constitutional and tax system point of view.
Tax offences as predicate offences to money laundering - Key takeaways for practitioners
Art. 305bis(1bis) of the Swiss Criminal Code entered into force on 1 January 2016, introducing aggravated tax misdemeanours as predicate offences to money laundering. Though highly debated at the time of its introduction, courts have been noticeably quiet on this provision in the years that followed. This article will analyse the developments since its adoption, outline the legal questions remaining open and forecast what the future may hold for this provision.
Implementation of the tax reform and AHV financing (STAF) in the canton of Solothurn and first practical experiences
With the adoption of the STAF by the Swiss electorate on 19 May 2019, the cantonal tax privileges were abolished in all cantons as of 1 January 2020 and replaced by instruments that are internationally accepted. While the Solothurn electorate approved the STAF at federal level with 58.6% of the vote, it simultaneously rejected the first cantonal proposal to implement the STAF, which would have provided for a significant reduction in the profit tax rate, with 51.4% of the vote. In the second proposal, which was accepted by the electorate, it was possible to agree on a less extensive, but still substantial, reduction of the profit tax rate. For the city of Solothurn, for example, the effective profit tax rate for legal entities will be 15.29% from 2022 (previously: 21.23%). In addition to this reduction in the profit tax rate and the legislative changes prescribed by the Federal Act on the Harmonisation of Direct Taxes of the Cantons and Municipalities (StHG), individual provisions of the Tax Act were adapted to the new accounting law with the implementation of the STAF in the Canton of Solothurn and accompanying measures were adopted in the area of natural persons.
Federal Council puts revised law and ordinance on AIA into force
In the course of an examination of the Global Forum's audit of Switzerland, recommendations were made. The amendments take these into account and include in particular the abolition of the exemption for condominiums communities and an adjustment of the applicable due diligence obligations.
Federal Council adopts dispatch on the Federal Act on the Implementation of International Agreements in the Tax Field
On 4 November 2020, the Federal Council adopted the dispatch on the totally revised Federal Act of 1951 on the Implementation of Interstate Agreements of the Confederation for the Avoidance of Double Taxation (new: StADG).
Federal Council wants to exempt too-big-to-fail instruments of banks from withholding tax by the end of 2026
At its meeting on 28 October 2020, the Federal Council adopted a dispatch on the Federal Act on Withholding Tax with regard to the treatment of interest on too-big-to-fail instruments (TBTF).
Federal Councillor Ueli Maurer meets with Ticino government on the agreement with Italy on cross-border commuters
On 16 October 2020, Federal Councillor Ueli Maurer met with the Cantonal Government of Ticino and informed about the latest exchange with the Italian Ministry of Finance on the agreement with Italy on the taxation of cross-border commuters.
FTA publishes understanding agreement on the DTA with Liechtenstein
On 12 October 2020, the State Secretariat for International Financial Matters (SIF) published a memorandum of understanding on the DTA with Liechtenstein concerning the treatment of income of FC Vaduz players resident in Switzerland under the DTA between Switzerland and Liechtenstein.
Selected parliamentary business in the tax area at federal level (October 2020)
The Federal Tax Administration (FTA) has published a revised version of the overview of selected parliamentary business in the tax field at federal level.
FTA - Memorandum of Understanding between Switzerland and Australia
On 15 September 2020 the Memorandum of Understanding on the procedural rules of the arbitration procedure provided for in Article 24 (Mutual agreement procedure) paragraph 5 of the Double Taxation Convention Switzerland - Australia was signed.