Implementation of the Federal Law on Tax Reform and OASI Financing (STAF) in the Canton of Berne
Based on the Corporate Tax Reform Act III (USR III) passed by the Federal Parliament on 17 June 2016, the Berne Cantonal Government Council expressed its views on the content of USR III at the end of November 2016, as well as the possible effects on the Canton of Berne and the preliminary positioning of the Canton of Berne in intercantonal tax competition. In the interests of Berne as a business location, the Government Council intended to cushion the abolition of cantonal tax privileges and the associated transition to ordinary taxation with replacement measures as part of the revision of the tax law in 2019. It was planned to reduce the maximum tax burden on profits from 21.64% in two steps; namely to 20.20% in 2019 and then to 18.71% in 2020. Further reductions in the profit tax rate should then have taken place with the 2021 tax law revision. In addition, the 2019 tax law revision also provided for the reduction of the applicable capital tax rate.
Amendment to the tax laws of the Cantons of Basel-Stadt and Basel-Landschaft - Tax Template 17 (SV17)
Prior to the revision of the cantonal tax law, the canton of Basel-Stadt was one of the cantons with the highest ordinary income tax rate, with an effective ordinary income tax burden of a maximum of 22.18%. Significantly lower tax rates, namely between 7.8% and around 11%, were applied to status companies. Despite this low tax rate, the share of the status companies in the canton's tax revenue from taxes on profits and capital amounted to 60%. When implementing the tax reform and AHV financing (STAF), the challenge for Basel-Stadt was therefore to reduce the ordinary profit tax rate to such an extent that the status companies do not migrate, but at the same time sufficient tax revenue can be generated. In addition, it was assumed - probably rightly so - that it was crucial to create legal certainty for the companies concerned as soon as possible, which is why the new tax rate was communicated very early on and the reduced tax rate came into force on 1 January 2019.
Mise en œuvre de la réforme de la fiscalité des entreprises en Romandie
This publication focuses on the implementation of the reform of corporate taxation (RFFA) on 1 January 2020 in the French cantons (i.e. Fribourg, Geneva, Jura, Neuchâtel, Valais and Vaud) with regard to non-captive companies. The particularities relating to companies with share capital (apport de capital) as well as to independent companies are not dealt with in this way; those relating to the shareholder are, on the other hand, dealt with in greater detail. Cette publication se base sur les informations disponibles au 31 juillet 2020. Il est précisé qu'entre la date de remise du manuscrit et sa publication, le canton du Valais a annoncé que le référendum déposé contre le projet de loi n'avait pas abouti. La loi fiscale valaisanne est ainsi également entrée en vigueur rétroactivement au 1er janvier 2020.
One Uber as a digital business location?
Based on the concrete example of Uber , the aim of this paper is to find answers to the following questions: Can users play a decisive role in the value creation of a company in the digital economy? And if so, how can they be used to address the challenges of taxation in the digital economy?
Compensation paid by Swiss companies to foreign directors
This video provides information on the possible tax and social security implications of a board of directors resident in an EU country in the case of a Swiss company limited by shares if the board of directors is also self-employed in its country of residence.
Reform of the withholding tax
The Economic Commission of the National Council discussed further work on the parliamentary initiative 17,494 after the sister commission of the Council of States had approved its decision to follow this initiative (cf. WAK-S press release of 20 August 2018). In this context, she discussed in particular with the head of the responsible department the Federal Council's plans for reforming the withholding tax and changing from the debtor to the paying agent principle. Subject to the approval of the Office of the National Council, the commission decided by 16 votes to 8 to set up a sub-commission and to instruct it to prepare a preliminary draft for the implementation of the parliamentary initiative. The subcommittee should coordinate its work with that of the Federal Council.
Zurich: Application for cantonal SV17 implementation submitted
The Government Council of the Canton of Zurich wants to maintain and strengthen the tax competitiveness of Zurich as a business location. To this end, it submits to the Cantonal Council a tailor-made cantonal implementation draft for the cities and municipalities that is compatible with the federal tax proposal 17 (SV17). The template is of vital importance for the entire canton. According to new model calculations, the loss of income is likely to be lower than under the Corporate Tax Reform III (USR III).
Tax bill 17 - Councils agree
The councils are in agreement on tax bill 17, and the last differences regarding the municipal article and the capital contribution principle have been resolved. An overview of the most important key points regarding tax submission 17:
Referendum as final hurdle for tax bill
The AHV tax deal stands. The Council of States has resolved the last differences. Tax bill 17 is thus ready for the final vote at the end of the autumn session.
Parliament revises revised withholding tax law
With the revised Withholding Tax Act, claims should be able to be asserted retroactively only for proceedings that have not yet been legally concluded. On Thursday the National Council resolved this last difference with the Council of States.
Companies should be allowed to deduct fines from taxes
According to the National Council, companies should be allowed to deduct foreign fines and penalties from taxes under certain conditions. The Federal Council and the Council of States had decided otherwise.
Calculation of the participation deduction for too-big-to-fail instruments
On 20 September 2018, the National Council discussed the dispatch on the Federal Act of 14 February 2018 on the calculation of the participation deduction for too-big-to-fail instruments and approved the Federal Council's draft.
New VAT regulation Online shopping abroad could become more expensive from 2019
The Federal Council has decided that mail order companies with a turnover of at least CHF 100,000 in Switzerland must pay VAT. Foreign online merchants today do not have to pay VAT on small consignments with a tax amount of less than five francs. For Swiss mail order companies, however, different rules apply: The consignments are subject to VAT if the company is entered in the VAT register. From 1 January 2019, this unequal treatment will cease.