Overview of STAF implementation at federal and cantonal level
Following an unprecedented legislative process, the Swiss people adopted the Federal Law on Tax Reform and OASI Financing (STAF) on 19 May 2019, thus restoring international acceptance of our tax system. In addition to the abolition of the special regulations for status companies, the introduction of the patent box, the regulation for hidden reserves at the start of tax liability and the approval of special deductions for research and development have helped to strike the right balance between international acceptance and maintaining the attractiveness of the tax location.
The implementation of the STAF in the cantons of Eastern Switzerland - selected topics of profit and capital taxation
The eastern Swiss cantons of St. Gallen (SG), Thurgau (TG), Appenzell Ausserrhoden (AR) and Appenzell Innerrhoden (AI) have implemented a number of changes in the taxation of profits and capital as part of the STAF as of 1 January 2020. The present article examines individual voluntary measures and measures not harmonized in the STAF. The analysis focuses on the adjustments in profit tax rates and capital tax, past and future tax relief, the additional deduction for research and development expenses, and a selection of special practical features.
Implementation of the STAF in the Canton of Zurich
Although the Canton of Zurich dealt with the implementation of the Federal Law on Tax Reform and OASI Financing ("STAF") at an early stage and issued various practice notes, various implementation issues still arose in the months following its entry into force. This article deals with the current implementation practice of STAF in the Canton of Zurich, with a focus on the change of status and deductions for self-financing. The practical application of the patent box and the research and development deduction is still subject to announcements by the Zurich tax office.
Implementation of the STAF in the Canton of Ticino
On 1 January 2020, the Federal Act on Tax Reform and Financing of the OASI (STAF) (Riforma fiscale e finanziamento dell'AVS, RFFA) entered into force. Among other things, the federal law modified certain provisions of the Federal Direct Tax Act (DBG) and the Direct Tax Harmonisation Act (StHG). In doing so, the Confederation leaves the cantons some leeway in implementing the STAF in their own tax legislation. This article analyses the implementation of the STAF by the Canton of Ticino.
Compensation paid by Swiss companies to foreign directors
This video provides information on the possible tax and social security implications of a board of directors resident in an EU country in the case of a Swiss company limited by shares if the board of directors is also self-employed in its country of residence.
Federal Council adopts dispatch on the BEPS Convention
On 22 August 2018, the Federal Council adopted the dispatch on the multilateral agreement on the implementation of measures to prevent base erosion and profit shifting (BEPS). The message was referred to the Federal Councils.
WAK-S: Withholding tax
The commission agreed by 6 votes to 4 with 1 abstention to the decision to follow the commission initiative of its National Council sister commission 17,494.
Tax deductibility of fines under certain conditions
For the second time, the WAK-N dealt with the tax treatment of financial penalties (16,076). It proposes by 13 votes to 12 that fines and penalties imposed abroad should be tax deductible under certain conditions.
Tax bill 17 - the WAK-N on course for the Council of States
The Committee for Economic Affairs and Taxes of the National Council (WAK-N) has begun detailed consultations on tax bill 17 (18,031) and has taken decisions on a number of key issues. So far, it has followed the Council of States in all points, including social compensation via the AHV and dividend taxation. The detailed discussion will be concluded at the meeting on 3 September.
Simultaneous dividend booking in group relationships
The Swiss Accounting and Reporting Manual allows a domestic parent company to recognize the investment income of its subsidiary (i.e. its dividend declared in financial year n+1) as income on a deferred basis in the financial year in which the subsidiary earned it. If the parent company makes the final booking of this income to the income statement at the time of distribution of the dividend, this constitutes proper booking for the purposes of the refund of the withholding tax and for the implementation of the reporting procedure.
Withholding tax refund despite non-declaration in the tax return - National Council vote
Anyone who has not declared income in the tax return should still receive the withholding tax back if he has been negligent. The National Council has approved this change, but wants to go considerably further than the Federal Council.
Tax template 17 is linked to AHV restructuring
Tax Bill 17 will be linked to the AHV restructuring. This was decided by the Council of States. This approach is intended to help the corporate tax reform achieve a breakthrough and relieve the burden on old-age pensions.
Tax submission 17 (12 April 2018)
The Committee for Economic Affairs and Taxes of the Council of States (WAK-S) has already unanimously agreed to tax bill 17 at its meeting on 12 April 2018. At its meeting on 15 May 2018, the WAK-S unanimously supported an overall concept with the following four central elements: