Automatic exchange of information and (unpunished) voluntary declarations
Since 1 January 2010, taxpayers in Switzerland have been able to go unpunished when they report tax evasion for the first time. Since then, tax transparency has increased internationally. Switzerland is pursuing the approach of implementing the international minimum standards. This now also includes the automatic exchange of information. On the way to a transparent taxpayer, the question arises as to whether the possibility still exists or should exist for taxpayers to disclose previously untaxed assets without having to expect a fine.
"Mother-daughter" arrangement between Italy and Switzerland
Opinion No. 537 of 6 August 2021 of the Italian tax authorities, described in this article, is a further sign of the "normalisation" of income tax relations between Italy and Switzerland.
Implementation of the tax reform and AHV financing (STAF) in the canton of Solothurn and first practical experiences
With the adoption of the STAF by the Swiss electorate on 19 May 2019, the cantonal tax privileges were abolished in all cantons as of 1 January 2020 and replaced by instruments that are internationally accepted. While the Solothurn electorate approved the STAF at federal level with 58.6% of the vote, it simultaneously rejected the first cantonal proposal to implement the STAF, which would have provided for a significant reduction in the profit tax rate, with 51.4% of the vote. In the second proposal, which was accepted by the electorate, it was possible to agree on a less extensive, but still substantial, reduction of the profit tax rate. For the city of Solothurn, for example, the effective profit tax rate for legal entities will be 15.29% from 2022 (previously: 21.23%). In addition to this reduction in the profit tax rate and the legislative changes prescribed by the Federal Act on the Harmonisation of Direct Taxes of the Cantons and Municipalities (StHG), individual provisions of the Tax Act were adapted to the new accounting law with the implementation of the STAF in the Canton of Solothurn and accompanying measures were adopted in the area of natural persons.
Compensation paid by Swiss companies to foreign directors
This video provides information on the possible tax and social security implications of a board of directors resident in an EU country in the case of a Swiss company limited by shares if the board of directors is also self-employed in its country of residence.
Canton of Zurich: New information sheet on the additional deduction for research and development expenses
On 25 September 2020, the cantonal tax office in Zurich published a new information sheet on the additional deduction for research and development expenses.
Tax policy agenda: First meeting of the "Expert Group on Switzerland as a Tax Location
On behalf of Finance Minister Ueli Maurer, a tax policy agenda is to be adopted by the end of 2020.
FTA publishes Circular Letter No. 49 "Proof of business-related expenses for foreign transactions abroad" and Circular Letter No. 50 "Inadmissibility of tax deduction of bribes paid to public officials".
On 13 July 2020, the FTA published Circular No. 49 "Evidence of business-related expenses for foreign-foreign transactions" and Circular No. 50 "Inadmissibility of the tax deduction of bribes paid to public officials". At the same time, the predecessor circulars of the same name, No. 9 of 22 June 2005 and No. 16 of 13 July 2007, are repealed.
Block chain and distributed ledger technology: No changes to tax law
At its meeting on 19 June 2020, the Federal Council took note of the report on a possible need to adapt tax law in the area of block chaining. The report comes to the conclusion that there is no need for specific legislative adjustments in tax law.
Council of States adopts adjustments to the exchange of information (AIA)
In its meeting on 4 June 2020, the Council of States adopted the adjustments to the exchange of information (AIA).
FDK publishes statement on the consultation of the federal law on withholding tax
On 29 May 2020, the Conference of Cantonal Finance Directors (FDK) published a statement on the consultation process for the federal law on withholding tax.