The tax treatment of (underpriced) non-family business succession with special consideration of Ticino practice
Does an underpriced transfer of shares to an employee always lead to income tax consequences? With this article, the authors want to stimulate discussion on a very relevant aspect of non-family business succession: the distinction between (income taxable) employee shareholdings and (possibly non-income taxable) succession arrangements. The authors take a look at the practice and case law in the canton of Ticino and other cantons as well as the possible effects of recent inheritance law reforms.
Tax aspects of family business succession
In the coming years, many small and medium-sized companies will face the challenge of arranging their succession. A transfer against payment or free of charge may be considered in order to remain in family ownership. The planning and implementation of succession is an important topic for entrepreneurs with links to numerous areas of law. This article is dedicated to the tax challenges and solution strategies in family business succession in order to support companies in strategically well thought-out and tax-optimized planning.
Far more than cryptocurrencies ...
The editorial for the focus issue "Blockchain, Crypto and NFTs". In recent years, blockchain technology has caused a stir around the world. In this context, tax law has dealt with blockchain technology primarily in connection with cryptocurrencies. However, the scope of blockchain technology goes far beyond cryptocurrencies.
Taxation of NFTs in the luxury industry - a case study
Non-fungible tokens ("NFTs" for short), i.e. unique cryptographic tokens representing physical or digital value, are currently on everyone's lips - at least since the NFT "Everydays: the First 5000 Days" was auctioned by Christie's in 2021 for USD 69.3 million. Using the NFTs of the watch brand DuBois et fils, which were issued for the first time in 2021, it will be shown how companies in the luxury sector can use NFTs both to market products and to build a close customer relationship, and which tax issues have to be taken into account.
Compensation paid by Swiss companies to foreign directors
This video provides information on the possible tax and social security implications of a board of directors resident in an EU country in the case of a Swiss company limited by shares if the board of directors is also self-employed in its country of residence.
OECD Minimum Tax: Implementation with a Constitutional Amendment
On 13 January 2022, the Federal Council announced that it would like to implement the agreed minimum tax for certain companies with a constitutional amendment. A temporary ordinance is to ensure that this can come into force on 01 January 2024. Subsequently, the law will be enacted through the ordinary legislative process.
FTA announces imputed interest rate on security equity 2022
On 6 January 2022, the FTA announced that the imputed interest rate on the security capital pursuant to Art. 25abis para. 4 sentence 1 StHG, which corresponds to the yield on 10-year federal bonds on the last trading day of the calendar year preceding the start of the tax period, will continue to be 0% for the 2022 tax year due to the negative yield.
Dossier on tax information "Cryptocurrency" published
The FTA has published a new article "Cryptocurrency" for the tax information dossier.
FTA publishes updated working paper on cryptocurrencies and ICOs/ITOs
The FTA has updated its working paper on cryptocurrencies and initial coin/token offerings (ICOs/ITOs) as a subject of wealth, income and profit tax, withholding tax and stamp duties. It reflects the state of practice as of the end of 2020.
Adaptation of the leaflet of the cantonal tax office on the taxation of banks and securities houses
The Zurich Cantonal Tax Office has published an updated leaflet on the taxation of banks and securities houses (ZStB No. 64.2).
Federal Council rejects abolition of stamp duties on sustainable financial products
The Federal Council has approved the report entitled "Releasing the brakes on sustainable financial products". The report concludes that the abolition of stamp duties on sustainable financial products is not expedient.