Implementation of global minimum taxation - safe harbor transitional rules for investment entities
On January 1, 2024, Switzerland partially introduced the OECD minimum tax by means of the Minimum Tax Ordinance (MindStV). The implementation of the global legal requirements poses considerable challenges for companies due to the complexity of the regulations and the technical implementation in the accounting systems. For this reason, many companies fall back on safe harbor regulations provided by the OECD. In this context, the following article examines whether these also apply to investment entities that are part of the corporate group.
The valuation of participation rights in start-up companies and the principle of equal treatment
The tax valuation of start-ups has been the subject of debate in Switzerland. While a viable solution has been found for the shareholders of start-ups with the current solution, the question of an even wealth tax burden for shareholders in a comparable situation arises. Find out what challenges arise in the valuation of participation rights and what solutions are being discussed to ensure a balanced tax policy.
"Structure follows strategy" in corporate succession - insights from the SIX Swiss Exchange Family Business Conference 2023
"Structure follows strategy" is a conclusion of the American business historian Alfred D. Chandler, which states that the strategy should be defined first and then a structure that leads to the realization of the strategy. This principle is often not sufficiently taken into account in corporate succession and the focus is prematurely placed on implementation and structuring issues. The topics discussed at this year's SIX Swiss Exchange Family Business Conference are set out below against this background.
Succession planning: tax pitfalls
When Swiss families think about the organization of their estate, they generally do not pursue any immediate tax objectives. In general, it is more a question of transferring assets to the next generation or at least initiating the future reorganization of ownership structures in the present. Of course, reducing wealth tax and breaking the tax progression, for example, can be an accompanying motive, but practice shows that this is rarely the actual "trigger". This article presents some typical questions.
Compensation paid by Swiss companies to foreign directors
This video provides information on the possible tax and social security implications of a board of directors resident in an EU country in the case of a Swiss company limited by shares if the board of directors is also self-employed in its country of residence.
Federal Council opens consultation on tonnage tax
At its meeting on 24 February 2021, the Federal Council opened the consultation on the Federal Act on the Tonnage Tax on Sea-going Ships. An introduction in Swiss tax law would be a targeted means of ensuring the competitiveness of Switzerland as a business location in the area of maritime shipping companies.
Tax-approved interest rates 2021 for advances or loans in Swiss francs and foreign currencies
The granting of interest-free or insufficiently interest-bearing advances or loans to participants or third parties related to them constitutes a payment in kind. This shall also apply to translated interest which is paid on the basis of obligations to participants or third parties close to them.
FTA publishes notice on the taxation of non-cash expenses for collective investment schemes
In concretisation of Art. 14 StG, Circular No. 24 of the Federal Tax Administration (FTA) of 20 November 2017 on collective investment schemes as subject to withholding tax and stamp duties states that non-cash expenses in the form of taxable deeds by an FCP, a SICAV or a KmGK to the investor are not subject to turnover tax.
Circulars No. 9 and No. 16 of the FTA repealed
Circular No. 16 of the FTA of 13 July 2007 concerning "Inadmissibility of the tax deduction of bribes" and 1-009-DV-2005 of 22 June 2005 concerning "Proof of business-related expenses in foreign-foreign transactions" have both been repealed and replaced by Circular No. 50 of 13 July 2020.
Federal Council is against the widespread abolition of stamp duties
The Commission for Economic Affairs and Taxes (WAK-N) has proposed further steps to abolish stamp duties. These were rejected by the Federal Council at its meeting on 18 November 2020. However, it supports the demand to abolish the emissions tax. It also wants to abolish the turnover tax on domestic bonds as part of the planned withholding tax reform.
Adjustment SSK-KS 28: New calculation of the capitalization rate and clarification regarding start-up companies
The Swiss Tax Conference published an updated version of SSK-KS 28 on 3 November, which concerns the calculation of the capitalisation rate for determining the capitalised earnings value and a clarification of the practice for the valuation of start-up companies.