Place of actual administration in the age of digitalisation & home office
Since the concept of the place of actual administration was incorporated into the law in 1951, digitisation has progressed in great strides. The author explores the question of the extent to which, in the age of home offices and video conferencing via the internet, criteria such as office space, lack of staff, lack of telephone accessibility and address redirection are still contemporary and whether the place of actual administration can still be determined geographically at all in the face of increasing mobility.
STAF transitional rules from an international perspective
Developments in international tax law have increased rapidly in recent years. The BEPS project to combat base erosion and profit shifting (BEPS), initiated by the OECD and the G20 countries, was the main trigger for this unprecedented dynamic. With a comprehensive package of measures consisting of 15 action points, the aim is to take international action against harmful tax competition and aggressive tax structuring and thus prevent undesirable profit reduction and profit shifting.
Relocation of businesses, functions and assets for profit tax purposes under VAT law
Within the framework of the STAF, a legal basis for the recording of cross-border inbound and outbound relocations of operations, functions and assets has been created at the federal, cantonal and municipal level. The question arises as to how such relocations should be treated for VAT purposes. The treatment is particularly relevant for inbound relocations in industries with a reduced input tax rate. As an outflow of the "dual entity" approach, relocations within the same legal entity between headquarters and permanent establishment are of interest.
Editorial for the special issue "Implementation of the STAF
At zsis we are pleased to be able to provide an overview of the implementation of the corporate tax reform in the individual cantons. The authors not only provide information on the reduction of the profit tax rate, but also highlight the change from tax privileges to ordinary corporate taxation. They also report on the other cantonal particularities.
Compensation paid by Swiss companies to foreign directors
This video provides information on the possible tax and social security implications of a board of directors resident in an EU country in the case of a Swiss company limited by shares if the board of directors is also self-employed in its country of residence.
Federal Council is against the widespread abolition of stamp duties
The Commission for Economic Affairs and Taxes (WAK-N) has proposed further steps to abolish stamp duties. These were rejected by the Federal Council at its meeting on 18 November 2020. However, it supports the demand to abolish the emissions tax. It also wants to abolish the turnover tax on domestic bonds as part of the planned withholding tax reform.
Adjustment SSK-KS 28: New calculation of the capitalization rate and clarification regarding start-up companies
The Swiss Tax Conference published an updated version of SSK-KS 28 on 3 November, which concerns the calculation of the capitalisation rate for determining the capitalised earnings value and a clarification of the practice for the valuation of start-up companies.
Federal Council wants to exempt too-big-to-fail instruments of banks from withholding tax by the end of 2026
At its meeting on 28 October 2020, the Federal Council adopted a dispatch on the Federal Act on Withholding Tax with regard to the treatment of interest on too-big-to-fail instruments (TBTF).
FTA publishes update to circular no. 37 "Taxation of employee shareholdings
On 30 October 2020, the FTA published an update to Circular Letter No. 37 "Taxation of Employee Participation".
Canton of Zurich: New information sheet on the additional deduction for research and development expenses
On 25 September 2020, the cantonal tax office in Zurich published a new information sheet on the additional deduction for research and development expenses.
Tax policy agenda: First meeting of the "Expert Group on Switzerland as a Tax Location
On behalf of Finance Minister Ueli Maurer, a tax policy agenda is to be adopted by the end of 2020.
FTA publishes Circular Letter No. 49 "Proof of business-related expenses for foreign transactions abroad" and Circular Letter No. 50 "Inadmissibility of tax deduction of bribes paid to public officials".
On 13 July 2020, the FTA published Circular No. 49 "Evidence of business-related expenses for foreign-foreign transactions" and Circular No. 50 "Inadmissibility of the tax deduction of bribes paid to public officials". At the same time, the predecessor circulars of the same name, No. 9 of 22 June 2005 and No. 16 of 13 July 2007, are repealed.
Block chain and distributed ledger technology: No changes to tax law
At its meeting on 19 June 2020, the Federal Council took note of the report on a possible need to adapt tax law in the area of block chaining. The report comes to the conclusion that there is no need for specific legislative adjustments in tax law.
Consultant versus employee
Workshop by René Schreiber and Arlette Pfister on the occasion of the ISIS) seminar on 13/14 September 2021 entitled "Mitarbeiterentschädigungen in tax and social security law".
Board compensation - How does the BoD participate in the company's success?
Workshop by Ruth Bloch-Riemer and Véronique Risi at the ISIS) seminar on 13/14 September 2021 entitled "Employee compensation in tax and social security law".