Implementation of global minimum taxation - safe harbor transitional rules for investment entities
On January 1, 2024, Switzerland partially introduced the OECD minimum tax by means of the Minimum Tax Ordinance (MindStV). The implementation of the global legal requirements poses considerable challenges for companies due to the complexity of the regulations and the technical implementation in the accounting systems. For this reason, many companies fall back on safe harbor regulations provided by the OECD. In this context, the following article examines whether these also apply to investment entities that are part of the corporate group.
The valuation of participation rights in start-up companies and the principle of equal treatment
The tax valuation of start-ups has been the subject of debate in Switzerland. While a viable solution has been found for the shareholders of start-ups with the current solution, the question of an even wealth tax burden for shareholders in a comparable situation arises. Find out what challenges arise in the valuation of participation rights and what solutions are being discussed to ensure a balanced tax policy.
"Structure follows strategy" in corporate succession - insights from the SIX Swiss Exchange Family Business Conference 2023
"Structure follows strategy" is a conclusion of the American business historian Alfred D. Chandler, which states that the strategy should be defined first and then a structure that leads to the realization of the strategy. This principle is often not sufficiently taken into account in corporate succession and the focus is prematurely placed on implementation and structuring issues. The topics discussed at this year's SIX Swiss Exchange Family Business Conference are set out below against this background.
Succession planning: tax pitfalls
When Swiss families think about the organization of their estate, they generally do not pursue any immediate tax objectives. In general, it is more a question of transferring assets to the next generation or at least initiating the future reorganization of ownership structures in the present. Of course, reducing wealth tax and breaking the tax progression, for example, can be an accompanying motive, but practice shows that this is rarely the actual "trigger". This article presents some typical questions.
Compensation paid by Swiss companies to foreign directors
This video provides information on the possible tax and social security implications of a board of directors resident in an EU country in the case of a Swiss company limited by shares if the board of directors is also self-employed in its country of residence.
Deductibility of fines and penalties
In its decision of 26 September 2016, the Federal Supreme Court had to rule on a case concerning the tax law admissibility of a provision in connection with an EU cartel fine. The affected X. AG filed an appeal against the decision of the Cantonal Tax Office of Zurich with the Tax Appeal Court of the Canton of Zurich, which upheld the appeal. The cantonal tax office appealed unsuccessfully against this decision to the Administrative Court of the Canton of Zurich, which dismissed the appeal in its ruling of 9 July 2014 on both state and municipal taxes and direct federal taxes. The cantonal tax office then lodged an appeal with the Federal Supreme Court in matters of public law.
Tax challenges of partnerships
Workshop on the occasion of the ISIS) seminar on 2/3 March 2020 entitled "Corporate Tax Law 2020".
Current developments in VAT law (2020)
Workshop on the occasion of the ISIS) seminar on 2/3 March 2020 entitled "Corporate Tax Law 2020".